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Hello again Yarnmos

I wanted to talk to you about some upcoming changes to our raid. Ferid is instating new policies and standards for our performance. There is some nuance to it, but as of when I sent this, I am not sure when/how he will reveal the info to us. He has talked to me about it though, and has asked me to reach out to you because I have already spoken to you in the past about similar things.
As it relates to us (healers), we should be performing about 40% or better relative to our class' item level bracket HOWEVER there is a caveat that it's on a case-by-case basis since healing is just a completely different game to dps-ing. Any of us who fail to meet this goal will be either repurposed to dps, or potentially suspended to give that player time to learn how to improve and practice.
According to the logs from Nighthold to when we first entered Tomb, your performance was competitive, often in Nighthold you would be one of the top healers for the team. Starting on August 2, when you came back from what seems to be an almost 2 week absence, your healing has shifted. Since then gray parses are more common now, and more importantly there are many logs with under 40% class bracket healing.
I don’t know if anything happened during your absence that may be affecting your game time. If it’s something important or personal, you should perhaps talk to Ferid about it. Otherwise I know you have what it takes. In tomb, you have several logs showing you did anywhere from +40% to +75%. But they are not as common as they were in Nighthold.
Ferid seems to be afraid that you may have become complacent or bored as a healer. He does value your time and commitment to the raid, so he is thinking about repurposing you to play a DPS for the team. If you this is something you’d like, the team would gladly help you through farm so you can quickly gear up and play a class you’re more interested in.
If you would rather continue to heal, Ferid wants you to know that the next raid week you participate in will be looked at with scrutiny. After that if the logs show that you have in fact become complacent or bored, Ferid will look into repurposing you. If you still want to heal after this, he will put your healer on suspension until you show improvement through mythic +s, Drtyr’s side-raids, and potentially beginning to self-analyze your own logs and doing research. However, at any time you are free to return as a dps, but to come as a healer will still need proof of improvement.
Sorry if this all seems sudden. You unfortunately become a person of interest with regards to the new policies that are being implemented. As always, you are free to talk to me if you need something, or just go talk to Ferid if you rather communicate with him about any of this.
Best of luck friend.
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Regards; Team

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