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Write a note in this area. ItWhich of the following rights in the U.S. Bill of Rights comes from a provision in the Magna Carta?

freedom of religion
freedom of speech
the right to due process of law
the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

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Question 2 0.5 pts
Which statement best summarizes the idea of representative government as it was established in the English Bill of Rights?

Powers not granted to the king are kept by the people.
Laws are made and carried out by a group that acts for the people.
All people are born free and equal in rights.
A strong central government protects individual freedoms.

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Question 3 0.5 pts
English colonists in America expected to have representative government in the colonies because

most countries at that time had representative government.
they fled England specifically to establish representative government.
the king had promised the colonists representative government.
there was a tradition of representative government in England.

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Question 4 0.5 pts
The idea that governments get their power from the people they govern is called

natural rights
states rights
popular sovereignty.
checks and balances

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Question 5 0.5 pts
The American Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen both

guarantee freedom of religion.
emphasize the rights of the individual
guarantee frequent meetings of Parliament.
limit the power of the king

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Question 6 0.5 pts
The term “unalienable rights” in the American Declaration of Independence refers to rights that

immigrants do not possess.
a government grants its people.
a government cannot take away.
are guaranteed by written law.
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