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Game 1
pepenacho11111: tell me a joke
pepenacho11111: i hope you're not as bad as your jokes
pepenacho11111: fast clear gg
pepenacho11111: fucked up :c
pepenacho11111: i wanted to eat him
pepenacho11111: i ate him this time c:
pepenacho11111: :O
pepenacho11111: its my frist time cho
pepenacho11111: i didnt know
pepenacho11111: he was so op
pepenacho11111: bot
pepenacho11111: next time i have tp
pepenacho11111: ill go bot
pepenacho11111: .c
pepenacho11111: nami
pepenacho11111: deep ward
pepenacho11111: pls
pepenacho11111: noc
pepenacho11111: ill tp drag
pepenacho11111: if they start it
pepenacho11111: gj
pepenacho11111: push with me
pepenacho11111: how did you know
pepenacho11111: lee was top?
pepenacho11111: nami .c
pepenacho11111: nono
pepenacho11111: galio came
pepenacho11111: and you were solo bot
pepenacho11111: deep ward nami
pepenacho11111: leave
pepenacho11111: goback !
pepenacho11111: fizz xd
pepenacho11111: no nami
pepenacho11111: u were so much time bot
pepenacho11111: being dead
pepenacho11111: you were late for draven
pepenacho11111: and fizz
pepenacho11111: you left cause?
pepenacho11111: gg guys
pepenacho11111: you guys arnt good enoguh
pepenacho11111: nono
pepenacho11111: idc
pepenacho11111: you guys are bad
pepenacho11111: then
pepenacho11111: play
pepenacho11111: better
pepenacho11111: gg
pepenacho11111: fizz
pepenacho11111: who did you go for?
pepenacho11111: oh yeah
pepenacho11111: shen
pepenacho11111: xd
pepenacho11111: go back bot
pepenacho11111: stfu man
pepenacho11111: use ur ult
pepenacho11111: 3 top
pepenacho11111: and bot isnt pushing xd
pepenacho11111: vote yes
pepenacho11111: ik we are
pepenacho11111: so surrender
pepenacho11111: report all my team for flaming me constantly
pepenacho11111: thing i do
pepenacho11111: thing they flame me for
pepenacho11111: 1v1
Game 2
pepenacho11111: idc
pepenacho11111: i pref morg
pepenacho11111: go otp
pepenacho11111: shes bad
pepenacho11111: stay bot then xd
pepenacho11111: aye
pepenacho11111: DONT MESSS WITH ME
pepenacho11111: open
pepenacho11111: ima feed
pepenacho11111: stop playing good
pepenacho11111: you guys are so bad
pepenacho11111: so idk
pepenacho11111: dont be premade
pepenacho11111: if kha doesnt gank
pepenacho11111: brain ded team
pepenacho11111: Nfkhfsnjefwbjqefwnqefwqefwklñmln+
pepenacho11111: hey gys
pepenacho11111: do uhave discord?
pepenacho11111: why
pepenacho11111: why
pepenacho11111: nice
pepenacho11111: come
pepenacho11111: come
pepenacho11111: dude
pepenacho11111: ...
pepenacho11111: amazing
pepenacho11111: ye 31
pepenacho11111: do u have discord my friend?
pepenacho11111: do u?
pepenacho11111: cause u are
pepenacho11111: a horrible
pepenacho11111: player
pepenacho11111: and while you're at ti
pepenacho11111: it
pepenacho11111: kill your self
pepenacho11111: 1v1 me
pepenacho11111: i can 1v1 u
pepenacho11111: and
pepenacho11111: u suck at jungling
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Regards; Team

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