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Miracles from Heaven is based on a true story. One day when Anna’s mother, Christy, discovers her daughter is diagnosed with incurable disease. They flew to Boston Hospital and searched for Dr. Nurko who is an expert in the field, unfortunately, the hospital receptionists told them they still need to book an apointment. A waitress at a restaurant where they're having lunch, Angela, realizes how serious Anna’s condition is and takes Anna and Christy on a fun-filled tour of Boston. During the tour, Christy gets a phone call from the hospital receptionists. The next morning, they met Dr. Nurko and he stated that Anna's condition is very severe. After all the medication things are still same. Anna convince her mother to go home. There, she play with her two sister Abbie and Adelynn. Anna suddenly and unexpectedly falls into the hollow of a tree. The firemen pull her out, but her situation doesn’t look good. But after the accident, an extraordinary miracle unfolds and she met God whch its inspire a lot of people.

As I watch this movie I feel really blessed and it strengthen more my faith. Even before I watch this movie I know that God is real and I really believe that he exists. We can't just force someone to believe on something because not everyone has the same perspective and I think some people who have watched this movie are still skeptical and confuse if miracles do really exist or does God really exist and just like what Anna said in the movie that not everyone is going to believe. This movie is a must watch especially for those people who lacks faith or who needs some spiritual enlightenment.

For some people miracles is just a word but for me miracles are God's way to increase our faith and to show and remind us that He's with us. Everyday we encounter different struggles and tough situation whether it's big or small, we make sure to find the easiest way to solve it. However, it's not always that easy to find a solution to a problem as a result some people tend to be depressed and lose their hope as well as questioning the existence of God because I think they felt alone and that no one or noting can help them. I believe God do this on purpose because without these imperpections, failures or defaults
we wouldn't even remember him once we are happy and our life is completely perfect. That's why we should always remember to thank God for everything even the simpliest thing.

Miracles is not only an event that is unusual for us which cannot be explained by scientific explanations but it is also something we encounter on a everday life. For example, when we wake up in the morning we see the smiles on the faces of our loved ones
be a miracle for someone else. Give your kindness, love, gratitude, and attention to others and share the love of God with someone else.

“No fake rice, just fake news”, rice traders say

"There is no such thing as fake rice, only fake news. There is no actual fake rice discovered mula 2015 hanggang ngayon ," James Magbanua, national president of the Grains Retailers Confederation of the Philippines (GRECON), said in a press conference.

The National Food Authority backed the group's claim that no fake rice managed to enter the Philippine market.
"A total of 6 rice samples were subjected to analysis...the result of all samples are totoong rice, there is no fake rice," NFA administrator Jason Aquino said.
Magbanua said there is no incentive for rice producers and retailers to sell fake rice as "it is costlier to produce fake rice by putting plastic additives."
He said the hoax was made to take advantage of rice retailers.
On Thursday, a bill that seeks to penalize any person or group who maliciously spreads false news or information in traditional and online media platforms was filed at the Senate. Under Senate Bill 1492 any person proven guilty of creating or distributing fake news will face a fine ranging from P100,000 to P5 million and 1 to 5 years of imprisonment. Violators who have aided and encouraged fake news meanwhile will be fined P50,000 to P3 million and imprisoned from 6 months to 3 years. If the offender is a public official, he will be made to pay twice the amount of fine and serve twice the period of imprisonment. He will also be disqualified from holding any public office.
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