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Group 3 - Team Agreement Statement

1. Team members: Michelle Berndsen ([email protected]), Trisha Gosselin ([email protected]), James Mooney ([email protected]), Tamas (Alex) Ridzi ([email protected]), Heather Skomski, Ashley Crump ([email protected])

2. Goal and purpose of the team: One main goal and purpose of our team is to provide a forum for learning from one another. We will work and communicate effectively with each other through phone, text, group wiki, email, and group discussion board. While collaborating with all five group members we will review the group assignments with enough time for review prior to submitting the final product.

3. Team work management:
a. How will you manage the work of this team? Team member will be given a role and will be held responsible to complete their work in a timely manner. Phone numbers of all members are shared among the group, and approaching deadlines, questions, etc. will be texted out to the group. The group will collaborate on ideas, deadlines, submissions, tasks.

b. Do you want to review each other’s work? If so, how often? By using the group wiki, we can review each other’s work in a timely manner while also editing each other’s work so that assignments are cohesive and truly managed together. All work will be submitted by designated times. The group leader will post the assignment to the group wiki to be evaluated before submitting as need / on request. What type of turn around time is expected? 12-24 hours.

c. Who will be the group leader? What are the responsibilities of each person on the team? Will you work independently and then coordinate individual contributions? How do you plan to make the final project cohesive and unified?

d. What is your timeline for the assignment? If the week opens Tuesday at 8 am, individual tasks / assignments will be signed up for by Thursday 8 am, and original posts by all members by Saturday at 8 am.(Jimmy) This would leave 24-48 hours prior to due date so that we can make any changes and discuss any issues.

4. Problems
a. How will you handle the inevitable situation when a team member does not complete his or her work by the agreed‐upon date(s)? Group leader will text out to team if an assignment is not completed by deadlines. Other team members will have to complete the unfinished task/assignment. - If a team member fails to contribute, the group will have a discussion with the individual to determine the reason for the lack of contribution and decide what needs to be done to help them be more successful in completing their part of the assignment. If a conflict cannot be worked out among the group, Dr. Yafen Wang will be notified for assistance.
b. How long will you tolerate lack of input from a team member? Lack of input from a team member will not be tolerated. Group member expectations will be clear from the beginning. Because we are a team, all members must contribute equally. Lack of input from a team member requires prompt notification of Dr. Wang. Our success in this course depends on all members of the group. If lack of input does occur by Friday of the assignment week, remaining group members will collaborate to complete the assignment.
c. At what point will you contact me (the instructor) and ask me to intervene? The instructor will be contacted if a member of the team does not perform agreed upon duties on more than one occasion. The instructor will also be notified if a team member is unreachable by phone or email within 24 hours.
d. What can you do if you find you need to revise this agreement? If we find we need to revise the agreement, we will contact the instructor and explain why it is necessary. Before contacting the instructor, we will have a group discussion regarding the issue at hand.
5. Other team work issues
a. Think about guidelines for each other for providing feedback and comments on work in progress. If you are not satisfied with the quality of work, how will you address the perceived shortcomings? How can each member remain open to new ways of thinking and doing? By doing this team agreement, we understand that every one of us has their own strengths and weaknesses. Suggesting a different way to complete an assignment is an effective and non-threatening way to achieve a higher quality of work if necessary. We all have the same goal for this class. We all want to achieve the highest grade possible, and we all want to achieve a good standard of work. Each member can remain open to new ways of thinking by allowing other group members to explain their rationale for doing things a different way. Respectful and courteous feedback will be given.
b. What is your backup plan? We all know that there can be technology glitches. Who is responsible for maintaining the backup? Describe the quality of work your team is aiming for. The team leader will submit final assignments once they have been approved by all members of the group. If the team leader is unable to submit final assignments for a technology related issue, ____ will notify another member of the group by phone or email so that person can submit the assignment. The quality of work aimed for is to fulfill and exceed course expectations. Team leader will maintain a backup of work.
c. What skills are needed to do well on the group assignment, and what are your individual skills? For example, is everyone proficient in MS Word? Do some of you have specialized skills in software or other things that might be beneficial to the team project? Alex states: I am admittedly weak in APA format. I am a proficient writer however it requires many hours staring at a white screen before I come up with anything meaningful. I would consider myself average in MS word/Powerpoint/Adobe products Trisha states: APA format is not a strong skill for me but I am good at spelling. Michelle states: I am good with APA, however little experience / knowledge of powerpoint and other products James states: I do well with PP and word. APA format confuses me. I do well with google docs. Ashley states: I would consider myself a skilled writer, and I am very familiar with APA formatting. I would consider myself proficient in MS word. I am familiar with MS powerpoint, but it's not something I am particularly skilled at. I have never worked with google docs.

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Regards; Team

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