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To start off with, racism is a huge part of society and there's really not that much you ccan do about it. Every one point in time has said something racial about other people around them. They think it won't get far in life, but towards the end, it'lll just come back and haunt you for a good period of time. In "To Kill a Mockingbird" written by Harper Lee, racism plays a vital role throughout the entire novel. Society today is still surrounded by racism! In the novel itself it shows us that many of the white folks believed that a black person was found guilty for anything. Today, it is similar. There are still people around that come out with racism comments that not even make complete sense for one thing. I believe that racism is becoming a huge problem and the problem keeps increasing each year. And I believe the novel itself was trying to show us how life was in the 1930's and how bad racism was at the time, especially during the case of Tom Robinson. So it's trying to get the point across to others that they're going to be people who wi still carry out racial comments and all, but there is really nothing we can do about it. ...
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