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Oils and Empty Calories: these two categories are not included in the MyPlate food groups because they contain foods that should be eaten in moderation, which means individuals should eat very little of these foods. Oils are fats that are liquid at room temperature;

this includes canola oil, corn oil, olive oil, and soybean oil. Some foods that are naturally high in oil are avocados, nuts, some fish, salad dressings, and olives. The chart on the following slide shows recommendations for oil consumption:

Empty calories are foods that get the majority of their calories from fat or added sugar; these foods also contain very few nutrients, thus their designation as “empty.” These include fried foods, foods cooked in butter or fat, pizza, cakes, cookies, donuts, soda, ice cream, sausages, hot dogs, and bacon.

As a general rule, no more than 10% of an individual’s daily caloric intake should come from empty calorie foods (this amount may slightly increase or decrease with age and activity level, but this is a general guideline). For example, if an individual’s daily caloric allowance is 2,000 calories, no more than 200 calories should come from candy, soda, and other junk food.
To lose a pound of weight, an individual needs to reduce weekly caloric intake by 3,500 calories a week, or 500 calories a day. This can be done through a combination of nutrition (eating fewer calories) and exercise (burning more calories). For example, a person whose recommended daily allowance of calories for weight maintenance is 2,400 calories a day would need to cut back to 1,900 calories a day to lose a pound a week. This could be done by exercising long enough a day to burn an extra 500 calories, reducing daily caloric intake by 500 calories, or a combination (exercising to burn 200 calories a day and eating 300 calories less—2,100 instead of 2,400 calories a day). As a general rule, daily caloric intake should never drop below 1,200 calories a day for women and 1,800 calories a day for men (according to the American College of Sports Medicine).

Start slowly: start by cutting your daily caloric intake by 10%. For example, if you eat 2,400 calories a day, start by cutting back to 2,160 (2,400 – 10% or 240).
Incorporate more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your diet. These foods are high in fiber, a plant product that helps individuals feel full. Eating more calorie-dense foods like these and fewer empty calorie foods can help an individual stay fuller longer.
Reduce intake of sugary beverages such as sodas, chocolate milk, juice drinks, and punch; these drinks often contain a high amount of sugar and calories and few nutrients.
Reduce intake of processed foods. Foods with a long shelf life (meaning that they stay fresh for a long time) are often processed and vital nutrients are removed. Eating fresh foods will increase nutrient intake and decrease added dietary sugars.
When eating out, choose healthier options such as a baked lean meat rather than something fried. Choose healthy sides such as steamed vegetables, plain baked potatoes, or fruit over French fries and foods with added butter, fat, gravy, or sugar.
Look at menus and calorie counts to plan meals when eating out. For example, if you really like McDonald’s, look online or at their in-store calorie chart before ordering; this can help you choose more wisely. For example, a cheeseburger and apple dippers has a combined 400 calories and 12.5 grams of fat, while a Big Mac and medium fry has 920 calories and 48 grams of fat—over twice as many calories and almost four times the fat!
Choose oil-based salad dressings over creamy, mayonnaise-based ones. For example, a homemade olive oil and vinegar dressing has around 75 calories and 8 grams of fat per tablespoon and contains omega-3 fatty acids, while ranch dressing often contains over 100 calories and more than 12 grams of fat for the same serving size and may contain saturated fat.
Take lunch to work or school instead of eating out; it is much easier to control the fat and calories in your food when you make it yourself. For example, packing a peanut butter sandwich, apple, and celery sticks provides fewer calories and more nutrients than a slice of pizza or fast-food hamburger.
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