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globals [loTemps hiTemps] ; Create global variables loTemps, and hiTemps.
extensions [csv] ; Access CSV extension.
patches-own [rockTemp probRise] ; Create variable 'rockTemp' for each patch.

to setup ; To setup the simulation,
ca ; clear workspace,

file-close-all ; close any open files,

init-globals ; run init-globals script,

ask patches [setup-environment] ; patches run setup-environment script,

reset-ticks ; Resets ticks (day) to 0.
end ; End script.

to go ; To begin simulation,
set loTemps remove-item 0 loTemps ; list of vectors object loTemps will remove the first item on the list,
set hiTemps remove-item 0 hiTemps ; list of vectors object hiTemps will remove the first item on the list,

ask patches
[set probRise random-float 1
setup-environment] ; patches run setup-environment script,

tick ; tick counter advances by 1, plots are reset,

if ticks = 295 [stop]
end ; End script.

to init-globals ; To initiate global environment variables:
set loTemps (list) ; Create list object loTemps,
file-open "loZone.csv" ; open the file 'lozonew_90_455.csv' from the file directory,
while [not file-at-end?][set loTemps lput file-read loTemps] ; while file is not at the end, add following vector to list loTemps from read file.
file-close ; Close this file.

set hiTemps (list); create list object hiTemps,
file-open "hiZone.csv" ; open the file 'hizonew_90_455.csv' from the file directory,
while [not file-at-end?][set hiTemps lput file-read hiTemps] ; while file is not at the end, add following vector to list hiTemps from read file.
file-close ; Close this file.
end ; End script.

to setup-environment ; To setup environment:
ifelse (pycor <= 9) ; If patch coordinate is less than or equal to 10,
[set rockTemp one-of (one-of (sublist loTemps 0 3))] ; set rockTemp to a random value from the first vector in the list loTemps, plus the slide adjusted rise-in-temperature value on the interface.
[set rockTemp one-of (one-of (sublist hiTemps 0 3))] ; Else, set rockTemp to a random value from the first vector in the list loTemps, plus the slide adjusted rise-in-temperature value on the interface.

if (probRise < probability-of-temperature)
[set rockTemp rockTemp + rise-in-temperature]

ifelse (rockTemp <= 16)
[set pcolor sky]
[ifelse (rockTemp <= 29)
[set pcolor 47]
[set pcolor pink]]
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Regards; Team

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