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Boop(Soft Rated R)
Thistle x Lightrus

Thistle was actually pretty bored these days...Interesting events rarely happened and if they did happen he was never really around to see them anyway. Thistle continued to walk towards his temporary home and was met with the stairs to the stone bridge. Normally Thistle had always avoided these stairs and continued on to his path to walk home. But today he didn't feel the same way...He felt as if something was telling him to walk up the stairs. Thistle decided to do so and made his way up the stairs...It was approaching night time and the sun was lowering as he made his way up the stairs. When he finally made it to the top he continued to walk it's path admiring the view of the forest and how much he was able to see. Looking ahead he saw a figure walking towards him. It was a man with with white hair...the man had also seen Thistle and stopped before him. "Who are you?" The man asked mesmerized at Thistle's face. "My name is Thistle...How about you?"

"My name is Lightrus." Thistle started walking closer towards Lightrus extending his hand out feeling Lightrus's Hair. "It's just like snow." Thistle said.. "It's beautiful." Lightrus looked into Thistle's eyes and responded. "Your eyes are just as beautiful." Thistle turned away turning red. "Didn't mean to startle you!" Lightrus begun laughing making Thistle annoyed. "Shut up!" They both stared at each other and begun laughing. "I know it might seem sudden but let me take you out somewhere...nice." Lightrus said looking at Thistle. Thistle thought it over for a moment and thought it would be better then going home and doing nothing at all. Thistle also had no reason to say no anyway this man seemed to genuinely want to take Thistle out. "Sure, What did you have in mind?" Lightrus begun to walk off motioning Thistle to follow him. They walked for awhile until they reached a building in the city. The building read 'The Defiant Bird Diner'

"This is the building we will be going into." Lightrus grabbed onto Thistle's hand. "Let's go..." They both walked into the building. Inside there were many people sitting down eating,drinking, and there even was a place for people to sing karaoke. A women walked in front of them "May I get you two a table?" Lightrus nodded while Thistle stood behind a bit. The women guided them sitting them both down. "My names Yukki! I'll be your waitress today! Lets start you both off with a drink?"

"The strongest liquor you have." Lightrus said shrugging. "I'll take some Vodka and a Orange Juice." Thistle said. "Alright I'll be right back." Yukki said walking away. When she returned she placed down the drinks in front of them. "Are you both ready to order any food?" Yukki asked flipping out a notebook used for writing orders. At the same time Thistle and Lightrus said the same thing. "I'll take a slab of Takoyaki!" they both looked at each other a slight laugh coming from both of them. "Two slabs of takoyaki got it.." Yukki walked away and Thistle and Lightrus talked amongst themselves. Only a few minutes had passed but to them it seemed like they were talking for hours... Thistle was enjoying himself and the real fun hadn't even started yet. When the food arrived the both ate in silence as they devoured the plates in front of them. Thistle had took a large gulp of vodka accidentally and Lightrus took two shots of Spirytus Delikatesowy (one of the most dangerous Vodka to drink). They both where wasted and they looked over at the Karaoke machine while another figure stood there. "There is time for one more song. anyone up for it." Thistle grabbed Lightrus and they both wobbled up to the stage. "My name is Kirohan...What song would you like to choose?"

After they both sung in a duet they had left the Diner. "I know this might be selfish of me but could we go do one last thing?" Thistle asked. "Sure, I don't mind." They walked out of the city into the forest once more and were confronted by a field of beautiful flowers. It was fully dark and they could barely see the darkness. Thistle guided Lightrus by hand to another small field very secluded that some people wouldn't give it a second look.

It was another field of Flowers but they all illuminated with beautiful light. "It's beautiful...No it's gorgeous." Lightrus looked at Thistle.."Just like you." Thistle blushed and they both held hands as they admired the flowers. "There's one flower that I specifically wanted to show you Lightrus." They walked through the field of flowers and then there was one flower secluded from the rest. "The White Rose...It reminds me of you." Lightrus covered his now red face while their hands were still interlocked. They both sat down on a grass hill looking up into the sky. "I really had fun tonight Lightrus....Thank you." Thistle looked at Lightrus scooting closer to him. Lightrus felt Thistle closer to him "You're really cold..come here." Thistle listened and they ended up snuggled together. Thistle couldn't believe all of this happened in one day..Thistle felt on Lightrus's hair again as they cuddled together. Lightrus sat up caressing Thistle's chin bringing him in for a kiss.

As their lips connected Lightrus felt the instant coldness of Thistle's lips and Thistle felt the warmth of Lightrus's. Thistle had rolled on top of Lightrus deepening the kiss and putting his hands under Lightrus's Shirt. Lightrus removed his and Thistles shirt and continued to kiss each other ignoring the need for oxygen.
In a matter of seconds they both where stripped of their clothing and all the both could do was stare at each other. "Are you sure you really want to do this?" Said Lightrus. "I'm sure." Thistle said. Thistles hand ran across Lightrus's Body as he proceeded to lower himself to line up with Lightrus shaft (Dick) After a few failed attempts Thistle had finally gotten the hand of the up and down motions. Apparently he was doing a good job because Lightrus had no objections to how he was doing it. Lightrus's breathing became more rigid and hard to control.

They continued fooling around for hours and screams and moans could be heard around the area. But any nearby people couldn't identify the location. The next morning Thistle and Lightrus where cuddle together in Lightrus's Home. Lightrus had been sitting up looking at the television across from his bed. Thistle got up from the bed attempting to head to the bathroom but failed because as soon as both his feet hit the floor he fell to the ground as his whole lower body was in pain. Lightrus got out of the bed carrying Thistle to the restroom
sitting him on the toilet as he ran him some bath water. After the water was settled Thistle and Lightrus both got into the (large) bathtub enjoying the hot water. "This should help you walk more evenly now." Lightrus said.

After the bath Thistle and Lightrus had dressed themselves (with plenty of flirting) When finished Lightrus treated Thistle to breakfast and they headed out.
Thistle had recieved a call.
"Hello?" Thistle said as the girl on the other end begun talking. "Hey Thistle this is Paws lets hang out today!" Thistle responded with a quick "Sure" and continued walking. "I have to go hang out with a friend today okay Lightrus?" Lightrus nodded and pulled Thistle in for a kiss. Their lips touched and They held the kiss for about a minute before breaking apart. "Don't disappear on me alright..?" Thistle laughed as he ran towards Paws house. "Don't worry I wont!" Lightrus smiled and continued to walk. "Now lets see what Darkrus is up to shall we.."

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