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The honorable Mr. Santegidio
From a Syrian refugee
An appeal request for family reunion through your European humanitarian paths for refugees.
First I'd to take a moment and forward to your honorable being the highest greetings, praying for God to keep you an active institution for those who has no where to go or can't even get by, and doing that by being a noble soul and a lawful judge, raising the God's well on earth, so thank you.
And here I write to you my humble request:
I'm honored to forward this request to you, hoping that you will handle it with grace and passion, for I since the war in Syria has
started and since about 10 years have left the war and its calamity escaping to Turkey Istanbul searching for peace and safety with my family of 6 members, my wife, four children one of them is a baby, being put under the weight of living in Turkey I saw no choice to afford for my family but to decide to flee to Europe through the sea and I arrived there after almost dying for several times, and France was the first country in which I applied for asylum, but unfortunately the application got rejected after three years of painful waiting for unlawful and unknown reasons, I'm away from my family and baby who was 5 years old when I left him, in a time he needed me the most to be by his side, he and my family suffered several traumas due to what we've seen in the war.
I lived there in a horrible anxiety and my wife and children are away from me, that's why I decided to apply for asylum in Germany and to wait for their decision.
When I was in Turkey I was my family's only money income, and I used to afford to them from other people's donations.
So here I am asking you to look into my request and to help me in the fastest way possible move my family through your European humanitarian paths with your generosity.
I'm all hope that your honorable being will approve with grace, and may God keep you a man raising His word on Earth.
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Regards; Team

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