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Carbohydrates are substances in food that help supply the body with energy. They are used primarily by the blood, brain, and nervous system. If the body does not get enough carbohydrates, it has to look for energy from other sources, such as fat stores and muscle tissue in the body itself. Carbohydrates contain four calories per gram. For example, if a slice of bread contains 10 grams of carbohydrates, it means that each of those grams supplies the body with four calories. Therefore, the body receives 40 calories from carbohydrates that slice of bread is eaten. Foods with a high source of carbohydrates include breads, cereals, rice, and pastas. Carbohydrates can be divided into two categories: simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates.

Simple Carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are the different sugars in the human diet. They include table sugar and candy, but also honey, molasses, maple syrup, corn syrup, fruits, and vegetables. One important type of simple carbohydrate is glucose. Glucose is a sugar that can be easily absorbed into the blood and it is the first source of energy that the body uses. All other complex carbohydrates and starches must be converted into glucose before the body can absorb them.
Simple carbohydrates are hidden in certain foods people eat such as ketchup, some canned products, and salad dressings. Many of the popular new fat-free desserts on the market also have a very high sugar content; therefore, low fat or fat-free foods may actually be less healthy than full-fat versions due to their high sugar content. Make sure your food intake does not include an abundance of simple carbohydrates, and instead choose more complex carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are also called starches and are the most important and valuable source of carbohydrates. Starches can be found in nutritionally dense foods (foods that have a high volume of healthy nutrients in relation to their calorie count) such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and pastas. When an individual eats starches, she is also consuming vitamins, minerals, proteins, fiber, and water. Starches take longer to break down, and provide people with energy over an extended period of time. They are very important to athletes, because they provide energy to get through workouts or competitions. Complex carbohydrates can be further broken down into fiber and whole grains.

Fiber: Fiber is a complex carbohydrate found in the walls of plant cells. Dietary fiber (also known as bulk or roughage) is a plant substance that is nearly impossible for the body to break down. It aids in moving food through the digestive tract and helping to get rid of waste. Some great sources of fiber include skins from fruits and vegetables, bran, dried beans, and whole oats. About 25 grams of fiber is recommended daily for women as part of a heart healthy diet, while 30 grams a day is recommended for men.
As shown in the chart earlier in the chapter, eating a diet high in fiber is important for protection against certain types of cancers and digestive tract diseases. A diet low in fiber may encourage problems such as colon cancer, constipation, and hemorrhoids, while a diet high in fiber can help one maintain a healthy weight.

Whole grains: the term whole grains refers to grains that have not been processed to remove the cereal germ and bran—two naturally occurring pieces of a grain. In processed grains, only the endosperm, or inner shell, remains. Whole grains can help lower cholesterol, help maintain blood sugar levels, and reduce the risk of heart disease. Some common whole grains include wheat, oat, barley, faro, and brown rice, all of which may be made into products such as whole grain breads, pastas, and cereals. Products made from whole grains generally list “whole wheat,” “whole grain,” or “whole meal” first on their ingredient lists.
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