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The man felt cold blood run down his forehead as he growled at the figure that was looming over him. "You bastard!" He barked, a fire started to spread from behind the figure as it started to close in on him.

The man realized the situation he was stuck in and began to back up, but was stopped as he felt his back come into contact with a brick wall. He cursed himself as the figure began coming closer, the fires seemed to surround it. "It's over, Black Mask." The figure stated sternly as the flames started to grow. "This whole war against Gotham of yours is over." 

Roman Sionis, otherwise known as the criminal Black Mask shook his head. "This is not over! It will never be over! Not until I get what I want!" He growled as he reached for his pocket, fumbling around in it only to feel a grenade. He clenched it in his palm as he pulled it out, unaware that the pin of the grenade had been tugged on and was currently resting in his pant's pocket. "And what I want is you dead! I want you to crawl to my feet! I want the Batman gone!" 

Batman simply scowled in reply before realizing what was in his hand. "Throw that grenade now!" 

Black Mask only smirked as his hands reached over to pull the pin, only to realize that was the one thing that was missing. His eyes widened as he felt the heat rise from the grenade, it slowly expanded in his hand. A few seconds later, onlookers of the burning building witnessed an explosion that took out an entire wall of the building. Screams of civilians in Gotham ran throughout the streets as the explosion caused panic. 

"Everybody calm down!" The voice of a young man attempted to assure the panicking citizens, but his voice was drowned out by the screams. "The GCPD and Batman have this all under control! They have it under complete control!"

"You know that's not at all true." He heard a female voice say through his earpiece. He simply scowled in reply.

"Shut up, Oracle." Oracle, otherwise known as Barbara Gordon simply snickered. 

"Make me." She stuck her tongue out immaturely at the monitor in front of her, well aware he couldn't see her. "But you wouldn't hit a girl who just recently got off her wheelchair, would you?"

"I'd slash your throat before Grayson could stop me." She paused and winced as she straightened up. 

"No need to be so hostile today, Damian." She scowled as she continued to check out the scene, looking for any possible sign of unwanted intruders around the burning building. "Why so grumpy today?" 

"Because I have a date in a few hours, and I really don't want to show up late." He simply replied as he continued to usher the citizens out of the area. "You sure father is alright? That blast was pretty big." 

Barbara pursed her lips and nodded, almost forgetting the two weren't in the same room. "Yeah, he should be alright, hopefully. I'd hate to have Dick wear that stupid suit again for another year-"

"Did you just call the suit stupid?" A gruff voice asked through the intercom. She quickly jumped and squealed.

"N-no, sir! The suits perfectly fine." She nervously laughed afraid of Bruce putting her back in a wheelchair for insulting his adored Batsuit. 

"Robin, head towards the cave as soon as you can, this gang war is over." Damian slightly relaxed as he heard the good news, maybe the almost twenty-year-old could catch a break and head out on that date like intended.

"All fine with me, but what about Black Mask?" He asked curiously as he pressed the Robin symbol on his upper-right torso, it started to glow for a few seconds before dimming down, the Robincycle slowly rolled up beside him. 

"He's dead." He responded sourly. Damian winced.

"Did you?-"

"No, he attempted to blow me up, but instead accidentally pulled the pin on a grenade too early." 

Barbara sighed in relief as she turned off the Batcomputer. "Well good, Gotham's been on edge ever since Black Mask started his dumb gang wars with everyone anyway, maybe now they'll stop being so tense." 

"I don't think Gotham losing a single villain is gonna make them relax, Gordon," Damian responded as he started to ride down the roads of Gotham at full-speed.

"And why's that?" She frowned as she stood up when she did, she wobbled. She still wasn't used to standing so suddenly, it had only been a little while since she had gotten off her wheelchair. 

"Because I don't know if you've noticed but Gotham has a terrorist attack every other Monday. People are going to be on edge in this city no matter what, whether it's because Scarecrow is planning a fear gas nuke, or they're walking down the street alone at night. This city is never going to be calm." 

She sighed knowing he was right. "Anyways, I'm heading off for tonight, Dick want's to fix up the new place he bought, maybe furnish it tonight. Cya." She removed the earpiece and turned it off, placing it in her pocket. 

Damian frowned as the intercom went silent, usually when this happened he would try to crack a small joke like Dick used to when he was Batman, and Damian was his Robin.

Of course, that was about six years ago, Damian had been ten and brought to Gotham by his insane mother, not knowing about the days that would come after that. 

"Robin," Batman's voice said sternly, breaking a long silence.

"Yes?" He replied as he zoomed past multiple cars in Gotham, making his way toward the Batcave's entrance in the lake near Wayne Manor. 

"Don't wait up to give me a mission report, go ahead and get ready for that date of yours." A smile cracked on Damian's fast as he began to go faster. 

"You got it, Bats!"
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