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First all of them:
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First most importantly. If you think good and bad will have same end. 23th flash. Also so atheists 23th flash.
To learn how to make a doorway to a better place. 10th word.
To those who have poverty of this world The Nineteenth Flash
on nature again 23th flash.
The Twenty-Fifth Flash Message for the Sick - The Twenty-Sixth Flash for the elderly.
Proof of our Creator : 33th word
To all of us about our parents : 21 th letter
To WEST 17th RAY
To understand a drop from greatness of holy QURAN 19th WORD
For christians 15th letter
For my sisters:
For young brothers
“If you want a friend, Allah is sufficient. Yes, if He is the friend, everything is a friend.
If you want companions, the Qur’an is sufficient. Indeed, for in the imagination one meets with the prophets and angels in it, watches the events in which they were involved and becomes familiar with them.
If you want possessions, contentment is sufficient. Yes, one who is content is frugal; and one who is frugal, finds the blessing of plenty.
If you want an enemy, the soul (nafs) is sufficient. Yes, one who fancies himself is visited with calamities and meets with difficulties. Whereas one who is not fond of himself, finds happiness, and goes to mercy.
If you want advice, death is sufficient. Yes, one who thinks of death is saved from love of this world, and works in earnest for the Hereafter. The one who offers the supplications knows that there is Someone (Allah) Who hears the wishes of his heart, Whose hands can reach all things, Who can bring about each of his desires, Who takes pity on his impotence, and answers his poverty.”
Since death does not die, and the appointed hour is unknown, it may come at any time; and since the grave cannot be closed, and troop after troop enter it and are lost; and since it has been shown through the truths of the Qur’an that for those who believe death is transformed into the discharge papers releasing them from eternal annihilation, while for the corrupt and the dissolute it is disappearing for ever into eternal annihilation, and is unending separation from their loved ones and all beings, most certainly and with no doubt at all, the most fortunate person is he who with patience and thanks fully benefits from his time in prison, and studying the Risale-i Nur works to serve the Qur’an and his belief on the straight path.

O man who is addicted to enjoyment and pleasure! I am seventy-five years old, and I know with utter certainty from thousands of experiences, proofs, and events that true enjoyment, pain-free pleasure, grief-free joy, and life’s happiness are only to be found in belief and in the sphere of the truths of belief. While a single worldly pleasure yields numerous pains; as though dealing ten slaps for a single grape, it drives away all life’s pleasure.

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