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Southbourne Tax Group Review: How to properly handle your taxes as a property investor

For many years, Southbourne Group has been involved in giving a dependable tax service to businesses and individuals, thus it aims to give helpful tips especially to property investors through this article. And as their first friendly reminder, it is really important to have a complete and correct tax return as a property investor.

A complete and right tax return is essential for landlords because they often come under inspection when submitting returns. Keep in touch with your accountant to discuss matters regarding on what can and can’t be claimed as a tax deductible expense. This way, you can make sure about the legitimacy of all claims, as well as maximized tax return amount. Southbourne Tax Group also suggests hiring a tax specialist because one can be of great help in making your taxes easier. Don’t stop reading because more tips are provided below.

Offsetting the net loss generated by negative gearing against other income could reduce tax payable. As a landlord, you can claim the interest if a property is available for rent, however, if the given situation is that a property is lived for half a year and then leased as a holiday rental for the other half, you can’t claim the interest for the full 12 months.

See to it that you have the appropriate coverage when checking your insurance policy. Experts also said that a standard home and contents insurance policy won’t cover certain risks included in property investing. You surely have costs you are rightfully entitled to, so make sure not to forget them.

If you are one of those self-managing landlords, you surely have costs from working at home, and the good thing is that you can claim a reasonable part of them. It’s also a good option to hire a property manager because its costs can be a deductible expense.

Moreover, property managers can build a potential tax benefit while assisting the organization at the same time. They are also capable of taking good care of the administrative responsibilities included in an investment property as well as compiling and completing significant paperwork.

Handling your taxes properly can help you avoid huge problems on your taxes and as a property investor, Southbourne Tax Group hopes that those mentioned above gave you even a bit of help.

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