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Write a note in this area. It's really easy to shFINESSEEM: lmao ok ...we try to make sure we have the names registed so people can find u easier
FINESSEEM: its no issue rn:)
FINESSEEM: but i would soon
iTheGameVuii: BG!
FINESSEEM: welcome
Guest_angrybratzdoll: hahah ill do it asap but u know no one got this name HAHA
iTheGameVuii: mmm damn pizza n wings was on point
FINESSEEM: lmao oh no
FINESSEEM: ots so people on tumblr can find u
Guest_angrybratzdoll: do you guys make videos?
iTheGameVuii: Bran dis my bg ToyToy @Sultrys
Sultrys: what u doin in here?
FINESSEEM: yes carmen our president does
FINESSEEM: but youll interview with her:)
Guest_angrybratzdoll: okay!
FINESSEEM: filling out the application
Sultrys: <
Sultrys: quiet much
iTheGameVuii: sorry finishing up eating
FINESSEEM: ok so next step is filling out a quick application
Sultrys: mhhhhmmmm
iTheGameVuii: Bg dis my boy Brandon
Sultrys: /me waves
FINESSEEM: join the group and then answer the questions at the bottom
FINESSEEM: submit it and let me know when ur done:)
iTheGameVuii: >>
iTheGameVuii: wyd bg
Sultrys: nothing
Sultrys: waiting for my father to help
Guest_angrybratzdoll: ok bet i copied it
Guest_angrybratzdoll: thank you
Guest_angrybratzdoll: ill get back to u asap
iTheGameVuii: wat u need bg
Sultrys: daddy u know what i need
Sultrys: and when i said something about it
Sultrys: u swerved me
iTheGameVuii: z
iTheGameVuii: ur dances
Sultrys: so u remember
iTheGameVuii: yes princess i did
Sultrys: ok father
iTheGameVuii: u stil got them on ur wl
Sultrys: yes father
Sultrys: i do
iTheGameVuii: 0k my child pull me
Sultrys: /me looks at daddy
Sultrys: for? o.o
Sultrys: z
iTheGameVuii: shop
iTheGameVuii: z
Sultrys: for<?
Sultrys: z
iTheGameVuii: >>
Sultrys: /me gets liddle so i can attack
llMzTwerksumll: lol
iTheGameVuii: z
iTheGameVuii: only my child
llMzTwerksumll: s32
Sultrys: chu knows
Sultrys: mwe no have to go in nos shops
Sultrys: they on mwe wishlist
iTheGameVuii: ok fine
Sultrys: chu want mwe to go in shwop
Sultrys: so chu can swerve me
Sultrys: agwain
Sultrys: /me calls mwommy
Sultrys: we going to send chu back to thwe daddy place
llMzTwerksumll: lol
Sultrys: /me wooks on mwe list
Sultrys: kweep them coming santa
Sultrys: ho ho ho
llMzTwerksumll: lmao
Sultrys: mewwy birthday
Sultrys: /me giggles
iTheGameVuii: >>
iTheGameVuii: u talking bg thinhs huh
Sultrys: 2! chu done alweady?
Sultrys: yesh
Sultrys: mwe gone have to work in here
Sultrys: /me giggles
Sultrys: how chu gone fweel if mwe working thwe pole
Sultrys: >:O
iTheGameVuii: let mr reup omn crds
iTheGameVuii: >>
iTheGameVuii: z
Sultrys: do thwet daddy
iTheGameVuii: /me stick a binky in her mouth
Sultrys: mwe not done with chu wallet yet
Sultrys: /me chews it
Sultrys: -_-
iTheGameVuii: daddy need buy more crds
Sultrys: despacito
Sultrys: /me twerkies
iTheGameVuii: >>
Sultrys: /me stwops
Sultrys: ahm
iTheGameVuii: #SingleDadLife
Sultrys: what mwe do
iTheGameVuii: nun bg
Sultrys: daddy mwe birthday in december
Sultrys: chu have alot of months
Sultrys: so chu gonna give mwe
Sultrys: 500k
Sultrys: /me claps
iTheGameVuii: z
iTheGameVuii: /me steps up for her get a card connected to my account
Sultrys: /me claps
Sultrys: yay
Sultrys: /me giggles
Sultrys: /me welcome chu
Sultrys: /me farts in mwe daddy face
Sultrys: wake up
iTheGameVuii: z
iTheGameVuii: ye bg
Sultrys: /me pokes chu boobies
Sultrys: bigger thwan mwommy own
iTheGameVuii: ok
Sultrys: ok?
Sultrys: tankuu
iTheGameVuii: yw bg
Sultrys: /me kishes daddeh cheek
Sultrys: chu fat
Sultrys: /me giggles
iTheGameVuii: u can tell ur mommy igot u 4 dances kk
Sultrys: mwe no have to tell mwommy
Sultrys: its chu job
Sultrys: shwe knows
Sultrys: /me wooks at him
iTheGameVuii: loll
iTheGameVuii: ok
iTheGameVuii: idk her n i dont talk so idk wat she expects
Sultrys: chu should talk to her
Sultrys: she and dimey so cwute
Sultrys: /me giggles
iTheGameVuii: ok
Sultrys: and they take mwe to park
iTheGameVuii: well if i got time sure bg
Sultrys: and family twine
iTheGameVuii: aww
iTheGameVuii: o boy
Sultrys: and dimey puts mwe to sleep
iTheGameVuii: /me thought to self
iTheGameVuii: twu bg
Sultrys: and kishes mwe when mwe gonna slweep
Sultrys: /me giggles
Sultrys: yesh
Sultrys: mwe love him
iTheGameVuii: ii
iTheGameVuii: my tummy hurt now
Sultrys: whysies?
Sultrys: :(
iTheGameVuii: its time hit studio after i got potty
iTheGameVuii: i be gucci bg
Sultrys: /me lays on chu chest
Sultrys: /me slweeps
FINESSEEM: welcome
FINESSEEM: oh hey ginger:)
FINESSEEM: didnt see u
iTheGameVuii: <<
iTheGameVuii: -.-
iTheGameVuii: i hate my life so much now
Sultrys: :(
iTheGameVuii: brb potty
Sultrys: why daddeh?
Sultrys: hb
iTheGameVuii: bk
Sultrys: wb
Sultrys: daddy why chu hate chu life?
iTheGameVuii: nun bg dont worry about it
Sultrys: ootay
Sultrys: /me kishes chu cheek
Sultrys: mwe love chu poppop
iTheGameVuii: yep...ik
Sultrys: why chu being like thwis?
iTheGameVuii: im gucci
iiJaime: poof
iTheGameVuii: i need to get back to my lyric go enjoy ur mom n them ok
iTheGameVuii: Brans will be back always do
Sultrys: :(
Sultrys: /me cwies
iTheGameVuii: /me rubs head n heart as i leave
iTheGameVuii: poof
are with others. Click here ...
iTheGameVuii: Yes
Sultrys: hewos dada
Sultrys: /me giggles
iTheGameVuii: u not with ur other dad u loves so much
Sultrys: :O
Sultrys: why would chu say that
Sultrys: :(
iTheGameVuii: yo so great
Sultrys: /me holds chu leg
Sultrys: dada :(
iTheGameVuii: i get it ur mom n u happy u got yo in ur life
iTheGameVuii: im sorry im not able live on here
Sultrys: who ish yo?
Sultrys: :(
iTheGameVuii: i work in rl
iTheGameVuii: i am here 3 days a week
iTheGameVuii: but after wat u describe
iTheGameVuii: i get it u like ur new dad
iTheGameVuii: im happy 4 u
Sultrys: :(
Sultrys: /me holds onto dada
Sultrys: stawp it
Sultrys: /me cwies
iTheGameVuii: no
iTheGameVuii: let me come to u
iTheGameVuii: bout a child i found
iTheGameVuii: like fr
iTheGameVuii: i get it yo a better dad so y the hell im around
Sultrys: daddy why chu making mwe feel soo bad
iTheGameVuii: ukw u right
iTheGameVuii: thats y i dont say nn
Sultrys: /me holds onto chu leg
Sultrys: /me cwies
iTheGameVuii: i think ima take break froom vu
iTheGameVuii: i swear i cant keep no one happy here
Sultrys: chu make mwe happy
Sultrys: mwe just font have chu as much
Sultrys: and evewy time
Sultrys: mwe around
iTheGameVuii: naw that other dude or watever do
Sultrys: chu talking about harlem
Sultrys: and it makes mwe mad
Sultrys: because its like
Sultrys: chu dont cawe about time with mwe
Sultrys: chu jsut want chu harlem
iTheGameVuii: o so it pay bk
Sultrys: yesh :(
Sultrys: /me pouts
iTheGameVuii: nice
iTheGameVuii: funny i believe u like him
Sultrys: mwe like dimey
iTheGameVuii: mhm
iTheGameVuii: well continue to
Sultrys: chu not ggonna be mwe daddy?
iTheGameVuii: u want two dads huh
Sultrys: if dimey marry mwe mwommy
iTheGameVuii: thats her
Sultrys: he gone bwe me daddy too
iTheGameVuii: u wanna call yo daddy
Sultrys: what mwe suppose to do
iTheGameVuii: well i will need to fall back
Sultrys: chu know what
iTheGameVuii: how u feel my gf kids call me that
Sultrys: mwe cant bodder
Sultrys: chu just
Sultrys: make mwe feel bad
Sultrys: for evewything
iTheGameVuii: how u think i felt earloier
iTheGameVuii: u r u momma child
Sultrys: instead of fwalling back
iTheGameVuii: i can tell
Sultrys: man up and bwe me father
Sultrys: FUCK!
Sultrys: /me cwies
iTheGameVuii: word
iTheGameVuii: how
Sultrys: /me pushes chu leg
iTheGameVuii: u always under their ass
Sultrys: /me swits
iTheGameVuii: mn wen i set shit uo
iTheGameVuii: up
iTheGameVuii: u too busy
iTheGameVuii: man fuck
Sultrys: yeah fuck fuck fuck
iTheGameVuii: i am tired wasting crds man
iTheGameVuii: i quit fuck vu
Sultrys: /me lays on mwe couch
Sultrys: chu just stwessing mwe
Sultrys: fuck
iTheGameVuii: i will do u one better
iTheGameVuii: ima leave ard
iTheGameVuii: no stress 4 u
Sultrys: dont chu leave daddy
iTheGameVuii: /me grabs my keys
Sultrys: /me takes chu keys
Sultrys: /me cwies
iTheGameVuii: no
Sultrys: nos
iTheGameVuii: no
Sultrys: dont chu leave
Sultrys: /me climbs chu
Sultrys: /me holds on
iTheGameVuii: y
iTheGameVuii: im not the daddy u want
iTheGameVuii: dimey better
Sultrys: :(
Sultrys: but
Sultrys: but
Sultrys: :(
iTheGameVuii: i do not be a dad to u
iTheGameVuii: i do not do shit for u
iTheGameVuii: not at all
Sultrys: thats a lie
iTheGameVuii: im sorry i live here to take u places
Sultrys: /me calls mwommy
iTheGameVuii: i can barely get any my kids to take a simple fuckin pic
Sultrys: /me cwies
iTheGameVuii: but niccas get my kids to do w.e
iTheGameVuii: u call her
iTheGameVuii: im gone
Sultrys: /me cwies
iTheGameVuii: /me grabs my keys
Sultrys: /me holds my hand
Sultrys: /me rubs it
Sultrys: owww
iTheGameVuii: u>>
iTheGameVuii: i hurt u
Sultrys: yesh
Sultrys: /me cwies and rubs mwe hands
iTheGameVuii: /me kiss it
iTheGameVuii: u better off being their child
Sultrys: /me wooks at daddy
Sultrys: pwease dont leave mwe daddy
iTheGameVuii: cuz i aint it apparently
Sultrys: /me rubs mwe hand and cwies
Sultrys: /me climbs onto thwe roof
iTheGameVuii: wth
iTheGameVuii: stop
Sultrys: /me stands on it
iTheGameVuii: wats the point
iTheGameVuii: u happier with them
Sultrys: /me rubs mwe hands
iTheGameVuii: have him adopt u
iTheGameVuii: u be sooo happy
iTheGameVuii: one big family
Sultrys: :(
Sultrys: /me wooks outside at daddeh
Sultrys: /me swings
iTheGameVuii: /me grabs u
iTheGameVuii: ur mom n dad wont like u playing up there
iTheGameVuii: yall one big happy fam
Sultrys: /me cwies
iTheGameVuii: my lame ass
iTheGameVuii: aint got shit for yall
iTheGameVuii: trust me
iTheGameVuii: ur mom left
Sultrys: /me cureses
iTheGameVuii: explain it all
Sultrys: fuck fuck fuck
Sultrys: /me cwies
iTheGameVuii: mhm
Sultrys: /me calls mwommy
iTheGameVuii: bye
Sultrys: /me calls dimey
iTheGameVuii: /me grabs my keys better life with them
iTheGameVuii: poof
Sultrys: :(
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Regards; Team

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