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My aunt and I always had a weird relationship. Me being 24 and her at 32 always made things a bit awkward. Usually when you think of aunts, you think of them being older, almost motherly in a way, but if we weren't related, I could definitely see us in a serious, committed relationship. She was a knockout. Perfect 10 in my book. She wasn't too tall, about 5'7. She had _____ colored hair, which she usually kept tied up in a long ponytail. She had beautiful, big, ____ colored eyes that you could just get lost in. She wasn't fat, but she had a bit extra in just the right places, most notably her amazing ass. That was her best feature by far. Whenever I visited, I'd always sneak looks and a few pics too if I could. It was an awkward, yet delightful relationship we had. But little did I know that what we had was about to become so much better.

It was a holiday weekend, and plans were in place for me to watch my Aunt's house while she was away. I was to arrive the morning of the day before she left so we could hang out, and I was looking forward to it. Usually, we hung at family gatherings, but this time, it'd just be us. I got there a bit earlier than expected, and I could tell she was a bit upset. Her hair was still a bit messy, no makeup on, but she looked cute. She groggily welcomed me in and let me set my stuff down. The tv was on, and she told me to go get something to eat if I wanted while she finished up in the bathroom. I happily obliged as I watched her walk away. She had her hand on her stomach as she walked away. My mind immediately jumped to the worst conclusion. She had stomach problems and this day wasn't going to be as pleasant as I'd hoped.

I made myself some breakfast and started eating as she came back out about 10 minutes later. "Sorry for the wait. Drank a little too much last night, and I'm paying for it now. Sorry, hun." So that's what it was. She was drunk, and had a little morning sickness. As long as she felt better, things would be okay. As I sat on the couch to watch TV and finish eating, my aunt sat next to me and leaned back comfortably. "Can you change the channel, I want to watch the news for a bit, if that's alright." I nodded and changed the channel for her as she put her feet up on the table. She was noticeably groaning, and I was worried she was about to puke all over me. Instead, what happened was much worse. She tilted to the side and let out one of the worst sounding farts I've ever heard. It was bassy, but wet at the same time. And if it was one of the worst sounding ones, it doubled that in smell. "Holy shit, that stinks! Can you not do that when I'm eating? Or at least give me a fucking warning in advance??"

I must've come off more intensely than I thought, because she quickly got up and went to the bathroom muttering under her breath. "Shit...didn't mean to make her feel that bad. But fuck, that was potent." I couldn't eat the rest of my breakfast, so I wrapped it up and put it in the fridge for later. The smell of her recently-ripped fart still hung heavy in the air, and I didn't want to make her feel worse by spraying the room, so I endured it. "I've been through worse, I suppose. We'll still have an all right time." A couple minutes later, my aunt came out of the bathroom, not making any eye contact with me. It was awkward for a couple hours. Neither said anything until I started making lunch. I was halfway into it when I felt a hug from behind around my waist. I turned to see my aunt inches from my face. "I'm sorry." she said. "That was horrible and I was so embarrassed and I just thought that maybe I ruined my chances with y-" Before she finished that sentence, another fart erupted from her ass, this time, loud and violent. I actually felt the vibration from where I was resting my hands on her hips. "FUCK!" she cried out, before storming off again. The smell was just as bad as the first time, and I had to go outside for some air. I left the door open to try and air out the house, but when I got back in a few minutes later, it still stunk bad in there.

I sat back down to watch some TV and just chill out. My aunt was in the middle of saying something before, and I couldn't for the life of me remember what it was about before the interruption happened. "Hey, no worries this time. I'm empty now" my aunt said as she walked into the room from the bathroom. "Good to know" I said back. "I don't know if I'd survive another one of those nukes you keep dropping." We both laughed, and I was glad to see some of the tension was lifted. She sat next to me, leaning her head on my shoulder, and sighed in relief. I turned the TV lower so I could ask her about before. "Hey, before, when I was making lunch, you started saying something but didn't finish. What was that about, anyway?" She took her head off me and scratched it in confusion. She started. "Well, hun, I've been wanting to say something to you for quite some time, but never got the chance. I've been thinking about it, and I think I'm getting a little too close to you. In a good way, though." She stammered over her words and tried to get it out right. "What I'm trying to say..." she got onto my lap, grabbing my hands and pinning them down into the sofa cushions. "Is that I..." My face was already turning hot and pretty red, but it got even redder when, to her surprise and mine, she let out another huge fart. This one wasn't so loud or powerful, but it was silent and hot. My lap heated up, and her eyes immediately closed in frustration. Without another word, she got off my lap and walked off to her room. I sat there, almost emotionless, as I tried to wrap my head around the thoughts that she tried to convey to me just then. I sat there with a boner formed in my pants, and the worst part was I don't know how much of it was due to the gas she'd expelled.

It was already 10, and I was laying in bed, going over the events from today. My aunt and I went from a relatively normal relationship, and in less than a day, it transformed so drastically. "Hopefully this doesn't affect us permanently..." I closed my eyes and started to drift off to sleep. I had to be up early to see my aunt off. The next thing I knew, I was rudely awaken by a rumble on the bed. I shot up, almost jumping out of my skin in fear. It was her. My aunt was in bed with me, and she had another incident, and she sounded noticeably shaken when she felt me get up. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." she muttered over and over. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I drank a bit more to try and ease the stress, and before I knew it, I was coming to your room to...oh God, forgive me..." I looked at her, bewildered and a bit turned on. "I think it's best if we ease up on seeing each other for awhile. Family events are okay, but-"

"No." I said. She looked back at me and squinted her eyes. "Excuse me?" "No." I repeated in a firm voice. "I value our relationship too much to just let this shit end it." "Honey, maybe you're still half asleep. It's alright, go back to-" I stopped her by leaning forward and kissing her passionately, to which she tried to reject almost instantly. But I didn't let her, and she soon accepted it. She moaned wildly into the kiss and I soon broke it off for a second. "Can you...let another out?" I resumed the kiss before she could answer because even I didn't believe what I just said. She kissed me back a couple seconds before nodding understandingly. She pulled me under the covers, pulled her pajama bottoms off, and just let some rip for the next few minutes as we made out passionately. The intense smell was driving us wild, and we continued well into the night...
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