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Agent name : George Williams

Customer Name:

Phone number:

Account number :


Customer called in for:


Password View Disclaimer:

AA Transfer disclaimer :

Transferred to:

Upsell/Upsell Discovery:

Customer Agreed: YES/NO

Name: B.J.Ishanth Kumar
twc tech( 919195954829)
twc inst(918666181258)
bhn tech(6613234892)
bhn intsl (8667187907)
Dial up Tech support 8825423
Dial up Cancellation 8825444
DSL Tech Support 8825445
DSL Installation 8825446
DSL CS 8825443
DSL Cancellation 8825440
Hyperlink IS ( IPBB) 8825426
Hyperlink TS ( IPBB) 8825427
Webhosting 8825431
Earthlink Business 8886984357
American Agent CS 8825381
American Agent TS 8825387
Sales Team ( New Sign Up) 8825422
TWC Installation 918666181258
BHN installation(tech) 918667187907
Florida TWC Installation 918667187907 18552220102
TWC Technical support 919195954892
Expired term issue 918772802190


*I'd be glad to assist you with that for sure.
*I'l certainly help you with that. Please Don't worry about it.
*I'd certainly help you with that. Please Don't worry about it.
*I'd be delighted to assist you with that.
*Please don't worry about it. Forget about the issue completely...I will take care of it. okay...
* Could you please provide me the 10 digit home phone number associated with your account?
Could you please help me with ___________________________?


* May I place your call on hold for two minutes so that I can get the information?


TO AGENT : Hi I am calling from Earthlink and my name is Julie. I have a cx on the line who has a ____issue____. could you please help him/her with that
TO CX : Thank you for staying on the line. I appreciate your patience. I have an agent on the line who'd be glad to assist you.


you said that you are not able to access your emails, am I correct?
> so when you try logging in, in your computer, does it show that the password is incorrect?
> or after logging in, do you get any bounce back message or something which states you are blocked by someone?
or do you have any trouble sending and receiving emails or attachments ?


> May I know who is your internet service provider?
> Is it EarthLink powered by spectrum or do you have services directly with spectrum?
> I do see that your account is inactive.
okay...In order to understand the issue better I will check it with the department. So, may I place your call on hold for two minutes so that I can get the information?

call 8666181259: Hi I am calling from Earthlink and my name is Julie. I need some information about an account. I wanted to know whether the cx has service with Earthlink powered by spectrum or it is directly with spectrum. The phone number is ______________.

> Okay now that I have got the complete information about the issue, I will explain you what exactly happened...
Previously, you had the service with earthlink directly and so the email service is free of cost. but now, due to the change in the bill plan that you had directly with spectrum, we are no longer providing free email service and so there will be a charge of just $4.95 cents per month to get access to your earth link emails.


I understand that you called in for installation of your services. Am i correct?
I understand that you called in to setup/change the date of the technician visit. Am i correct?

thank you so much. So we deal with cable service. So now, I will call the installation team and inform the person about the issue.They will confirm your details and schedule your appointment.
So, may I place your call on hold for two minutes so that I can get the information? please do not disconnect the call while I am transferring your call to an agent from installation team
please do not disconnect the call while im transferring your call.
Conference to 91(8666181259 Timewarner Installation)
Thank you for staying on the line. I appreciate your patience. Now I have an agent on the line who'd be glad to assist you.


I understand that you are not able to go online. Plz dont worry about it. I can do my best to fix this issue.
>I would request you to power off the modem, wait for 10 seconds and then turn it back on.
Why we are doing this is, when even the modem is turned on for hours together, it consumes excess power which leads to internet issues. so we are doing thsi just to drain out the excess power from the modem.
Now you can turn back the modem on.
let us wait for 10 more seconds so that all the lights on the modem will lit up.

Now you can open any browser and search for any favourite website or or facebook. are you able to go online?

>If YES, = Wow thats great! you have done a great job! Is there anything else that I can assist you with? <Call closing.
>If NO, = Okay donot worry about it. We have a Special team of Technical support who can assist you to resove the issue better.

if he is a cable cx, Conference to Spectrum Technical support
if he is not a cable cx, see the Bill plan and, transfer to that particular department.


Make sure the coaxial cable is plugged securely into the modem and the wall outlet (a loose connection could result in lost block sync or slow connectivity)
Unplug the cable modem from the power source.
Leave the modem unplugged for two minutes.
Shut down the computer and turn it off.
Plug the cable modem directly into the wall outlet.
Wait up to approximately five minutes for the modem to regain block sync (it usually takes less than two minutes and for many people, it takes less than one minute to gain block sync).
Check the lights on your modem to ensure the cable lights are steady.
If the lights are illuminated, try visiting various Web sites.
If your cable lights are properly illuminated and powering your computer off and then on fails, you will need to work with Spectrum Technical Support.



Are you using any anti virus security for your devices...?

1Q) if cx says I alredy use security software...?
ans) Great! please remember to protect all of your internet connected devices with security software. hackers target people on smart phones and macs too now a days...

2Q) if cx indicates that they only use security on pc...?
ans) I recommend you nortan security online. because earthlink is providing free 30 day introductory trail and ability to cancel it anytime that too without penality...

3Q) if cx answers says I only have a mac/ apple device and they don't need security...?
ans) Apple devices are very good, but still they need online security to protect against threats. you might click on a fake email or hackers might take advantage of the apple software vulnerability and get access to your data... you are taking a risk not by protecting all your a earthlink cx service executive I suggest you to mplease you nortan security for all your device.


Nortan wifi privacy is a powerful, yet easy to app for windows, mac, android, iphone, and I pad devices that helps shield the users information from hackers snooping on unsecured wifi networks.

I would like to inform you that We have the best Anti Virus called Norton security online which provides Ultimate protection for your internet connected devices.
Because Now a days, many people are becoming victims of Cybercrime. In order to Protect our customers from the hackers and threats, We provide NORTON Security Online Anti virus in two different editions.
(i) is which can be used for 5 devices. which costs just $7.95 cents in addition to your bill that you pay every month. And
(ii) the other one can be used for 10 devices which costs only $9.95 cents in addition to your bill that you pay every month.
you can use this for your smart phones, pc's, tablet, laptop, iPad or what ever the internet connected devices that you have.
We recommend Norton Security online for you so that believe me you can have ultimate Security for your devices so that no one can hack it.
you can scan your computer anytime using NORTON and permanently delete the threats and viruses that cause harm to your devices.
The best thing is
we even provide a FREE 30day trial version and if you feel that you don't need it, you can cancel it at any time without Penalty.

R u interested?

• ] Sometimes it is necessary to shut down your cable modem connection completely when something isn't functioning properly. This is similar to restarting your computer. To power cycle your cable modem and restore connectivity, follow the directions below for your operating system.
• ] While the modem is power cycling, transfer the customer to tier 1 customer support using the Cable Vendor Transfer Matrix

1.Make sure the coaxial cable is plugged securely into the modem and the wall outlet (a loose connection could result in lost block sync or slow connectivity)
2.Unplug the cable modem from the power source.
3.Leave the modem unplugged for two minutes.
4.Shut down the computer and turn it off.
5.Plug the cable modem directly into the wall outlet.
6.Wait up to approximately five minutes for the modem to regain block sync (it usually takes less than two minutes and for many people, it takes less than one minute to gain block sync).
7.Check the lights on your modem to ensure the cable lights are steady.
8.If the lights are illuminated, try visiting various Web sites.
9.If your cable lights are properly illuminated and powering your computer off and then on fails, you will need to work with Spectrum Technical Support


you said that you are not able to access your emails, am I correct?
> so when you try logging in, in your computer, does it show that the password is incorrect?
> or after logging in, do you get any bounce back message or something which states you are blocked by someone?
or do you have any trouble sending and receiving emails or attachments ?

Sir How do you check your emails?
Do you use any email programme or do you open any browser and type and then check your emails there?


You are unable to access your emails. Am I correct?
I'd certainly help you with that. Please Don't worry about it.
Now I have your account on my screen and i do see that your account has been compromised. that is, someone has tried to access your emails and so our department had changed the password for security reasons. But Please don't worry about it. Forget about the issue completely...I will take care of it and I will make sure that you wil not face this issue again. okay...
In order to Verify your account May I have the last four digits of your credit card number through which you pay your EarthLink bill every month?
>>>>>>>>>>If A/C is verified,
Thank you so much. That verifies your account. Now I will Guide you to create a new password. and there is a criteria for password. the password should have 8 to 12 characters which includes Uppercase and lowercase characters, At least two numerical digits and A special character.
(create a new password U - P - J. ) Do you have a paper and a pen with you handy? perfect. Please make a note of your new password. it is ________. (press F1) and delete the superfly popup. And again press F1 to save changes.
Now that we changed your password, please do not share your password with anyone. And just for security reasons, now I would request you to please restart your computer.
It takes 5 minutes for the password to get updated.
I wil stay on the line. no problem. And I would want to know do you use any security software or Anti Virus to protect your pc from viruses or hacking?


* EARTHLINK NUMBER - 8883278454





* BRIGHT HOUSE NETWORK NUMBER - ( 91-866-718-7907 )




Dial up Tech support 8825423
Dial up Cancellation 8825444
DSL Tech Support 8825445
DSL Installation 8825446
DSL CS 8825443
DSL Cancellation 8825440
Hyperlink IS ( IPBB) 8825426
Hyperlink TS ( IPBB) 8825427
Webhosting 8825431
Earthlink Business 8886984357
American Agent CS 8825381
American Agent TS 8825387
Sales Team ( New Sign Up) 8825422
TWC Installation 91 8666181258
BHN installation 91 8667187907
Florida TWC Installation 91 8667187907
TWC Technical support 91 9195954892
BHN Technical support 91 918667187907
Expired term issue 918772802190
Cable contact numbers
Team Viewer Link
Citrix login

1) Verify using MOP Method or verification call back (Cable Accounts can be also verified by TWC account number).

2) Inform old password should not be used again.

3) Provide password criteria and then Reset the password with password viewed disclaimer.

4) Provide 5 min expectations.

5) Update the password on the email program and also on the connectoid

6) Ask cx to run a scan on the computer and then change the password again from my if they find any spam activity.

7) Inform that customer would not be able to send email as they will be held in spam queue and would start working from 12 in the midnight.

8) Reactivate the secondary email address and ask the customer to change password for all those from my account, give 20 min time frame for reactivation.

9) Check email forwarding.

10) Deleted the Sfly pop up memo.


Depending on when your account was compromised, it is likely your ability to send email will be on hold until noon eastern standard time the following day After we have reset your account password, you should send a test email to yourself before attempting to email anyone else. If the message arrives you are safe to start sending email again. If it does not arrive, then you will need to wait until after noon eastern starndard time to attempt to send email again.


1) Verify using MOP Method or verification call back (Cable Accounts can be also verified by TWC account number).

2) Inform old password should not be used again.

3) Provide password criteria and then Reset the password with password viewed disclaimer.

4) Provide 5 min expectations.

5) Update the password on the email program and also on the connectoid

6) Ask cx to run a scan on the computer and then change the password again from my if they find any spam activity.

7) Inform that customer would not be able to send email as they will be held in spam queue and would start working from 12 in the midnight.

8) Reactivate the secondary email address and ask the customer to change password for all those from my account, give 20 min time frame for reactivation.

9) Check email forwarding.

10) Deleted the Sfly pop up memo.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
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  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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