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Time Traveller Story

Man regularly has bad dreams, he dreams that a man is whispering to him saying the very confusing sentence of "live dna doog neewteb ecnalab eht worhtrevo lliw eh ,legna na si eh ,nos ruoy llik uoy sselnu kcab uoy dnes lliw i" which doesn't make sense to him. He regularly has these dreams until one day the man is sitting down on his sofa with his two children and wife. The man blinks, and within an instance he is transported back several years ago to his teenage years in school. He is shocked, nauseated and terrified from the experience. He passes out. Upon waking up he is in the school's medical room, and is greeted by the school nurse who he recognises from his past. He questions her over what date and time it is, and why he is in the school in the first place, she replies telling him he's been a student there for several years, whatever is he talking about. He says how he is in his mid thirties and how he doesn't look anything like a student, to which she tells him he looks 17 to her. After inspecting himself in the mirror the man has a mental breakdown, and is sent to his old home as a child to live with his parents for a few weeks. His dad was killed in a car crash one year later from then, but the man wasn't too unhappy at the time as his father was a wife beater who constantly struck his mum and he shared no love or compassion towards a man like that. A few weeks pass, and eventually the man comes to the realisation he has been sent back in time. He doesn't know how to feel or think about the events that have happened, he just misses his family and loved ones and wonders why he has been cursed. He begins to carry on with his life as he did all them years ago, and pretends to everyone he knows that he was just under a lot of stress at the time. The story continues two years in, where we find out some things about the mans past such as bullies he encountered and knowing how he could change how he acted before to not become a target to them, and how he develops a friendship with a girl he didn't know before in his past life timeline. He has more dreams with certain whispering being spoken to him, but none of it makes sense, the words don't exist in the English language. The most impacting thing that changes is that his father doesn't die in the car crash, and he carries on beating his mother to the point where his mother actually dies from the wounds sustained from his beatings. Police investigate to indeed find out it was his dad who beat the mother, and he goes to jail to serve a life sentence. The man being the only child in the family, is given to a foster home, instead of going to the university to study like he did originally, the reason he doesn't go is because he is too busy grieving the loss of his mother and not being in the right frame of mind to go. It is explained that he met his wife from the other time line at that university, and that they were in the same class seated next to each other on the first day. After finishing school, he still keeps in contact with the female friend he made in school. They agree to meet up every so often to the point where they are so close that the man tells the whole truth to her about everything that happened, regarding him living in another timeline and being transported back to his past. To his surprise she isn't skeptical, she believes every word he says, and they kiss that same evening. The girl offers that he stays with her at her house, and that her parents wouldn't mind as long as he got a job and paid rent. He says that would be great, and he ends up moving in with her and her family, she is also an only child. The girl is already working full time and doing an apprenticeship in art and design, which is exactly what him and his wife studied at university together, one of the things that made the two close was their shared interest in it. The man gets a job at a local cafe and is surprised one day to see one of the guys who bullied him at school come into the cafe to order.
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