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designer babies-
Designer babies” or inheritable genetic modification refers to children that have been genetically engineered in the womb to have certain desired qualities

Scientists will be able to genetically alter human gametes, zygotes, or embryos to be able to lower a child’s’ risk of developing many disorders and illnesses like down syndrome, Alzheimer’s and autism etc, as well as being able to dictate gender, hair and eye color, height, athletic ability, intelligence and other qualities.
doctors now say that within 10 years, they believe they’ll be able to change eye color and have an 80% accuracy rate. They also think that in the future they’ll be able to give the child “athletic abilities” or make them more academic.
-Many people argue that it is unethical and unnatural to be able to create your own baby the way you want it, while others argue that it could be used to stop certain genetic diseases in babies.
-Many people see genetic altering as morally wrong because they view it as not accepting your child the way it was.
-Another issue people have with “designer babies” is the fact that it might set the parents up for disappointment with the fact that they paid for a trait that “didn’t pay off.”
-It could also lead to the child being hurt. If the child found out that their parents picked out how they look or act, it could lead to many problems in the child/parent relationships.
-Could create a gap in society. “Designer” babies would most likely be better looking, smarter, etc. This could create “classes” between designer and non designer babies.
-A baby cannot consent to having it’s body altered; therefore some do not believe it’s right as parents do not “own” their children.
-The procedure is not cheap, and not everyone would be able to afford it. Could create prejudice between “Designer” and “non designer” children. Could cause the “non-designer” children to miss opportunities because jobs among other things are more likely to take the “optimum” candidate for something.

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