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Theory and Credits to reddit user Selbri in r/kpop tag

I am proposing that RV went to a party, were drugged, kidnapped, beaten and possibly murdered.

So basically, I decided to look into RV's new comeback after I saw people curious about the teasers and the music video being different.
The name of the concert is the Red Room and that is where my theory had started.

Red Room, the name of the concert seemed familiar to me. I immediately thought of the urban legend of the "Red Room".
If you aren't aware, the urban legend basically is that the Red Room is associated with the deep web.
It is a live stream of the torture and murder of someone for the entertainment of others.

Now, I decided to check the lyrics and re-watch the music video. Starting with the M/V. We see that there is some sort of news thing happening at certain points in the video
(it also states who are which fruits but I have no idea where that fits in)
. We also see that the girls are at some sort of party at (1:31) in the video, we also see that some people are drinking. We also see down at the bottom of the screen the text
"Do you know Lime? Lime and I are really good friends!".

Who is Lime? What I am proposing to you is that RV's drinks were drugged by Lime. We can see that at (2:00) a normal human turns into a fruit.
Is this the drugs in place?Now, let's say Lime did drug them. We later see in the video (2:42) , now that all the fruits are collected, they are taken away.
This could symbolize the members being gathered up and taken away. Kidnapped.
Now that they are in the "Red Room" the live stream has started, as we see at (2:46) that someone is holding a microphone.
This could be the sound for the live stream. At (3:21) we see the members look up to the sky.
What's up in the sky though? Are they dead and looking up to the heavens?
Next, I checked the translated English lyrics. Found here (
After I read the lyrics I thought that someone who liked the members had kidnapped them and the lyrics are a back and forward conversation between them. I encourage you to read for yourself.
""My ears are ringing and my nose is numb
This feeling is more than what I imagined Up and bang RED""
Okay, so let's break these lyrics down, I did some intense Googling to find that a head injury could cause ears to ring.
This "RED" that RV is referring to could be the blood from the injury. When it is said that the feeling is more than they
imagined it is because they went to a party expecting to have fun, but ended up drugged, kidnapped and beaten.
""With your colors
Dye me, darker and more strikingly""
This part of the lyrics is referring to the blood and bruising, the colors of purple, blue and red.
""What I like the most is you in the summer""
This line could be saying that RV were kidnapped in the summer.
I did some digging and found that the Summer months are when kids are at the most risk of kidnapping.
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