NotesWhat is

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Notes -

iiMurkzxRwA: Froggy Face
iiFIeekzxRwA: nigerette skin
TheBarb: stop it <
TheBarb: both of you
iiMurkzxRwA: Wb Gma
iiMurkzxRwA: Froggy eyes
TheBarb: didnt i just say stop it
iiFIeekzxRwA: yea
Omoge: ty love
iiMurkzxRwA: <<
iiFIeekzxRwA: stop
Omoge: tytyy
iiFIeekzxRwA: nigerette
TheBarb: stop it
iiMurkzxRwA: Send Your Ribbit Link
iiMurkzxRwA: z
iiMurkzxRwA: froggy face Shutup
iiFIeekzxRwA: y so u can try to raw me
iiFIeekzxRwA: lol
iiMurkzxRwA: Maybe
iiFIeekzxRwA: try
iiMurkzxRwA: They Wont Let Me On Here
iiFIeekzxRwA: try
iiFIeekzxRwA: try
iiMurkzxRwA: z
Omoge: /me squints at iiMurkzxRwA
iiMurkzxRwA: Not Try Will
iiFIeekzxRwA: @will
iiMurkzxRwA: :O
iiFIeekzxRwA: boy pls
iiMurkzxRwA: O.O
Guest_ElizabethRose61: What's popin
iiFIeekzxRwA: try again
iiFIeekzxRwA: z.
iiMurkzxRwA: -_-
iiFIeekzxRwA: boy greet gma
iiMurkzxRwA: Shut Up
iiFIeekzxRwA: so disrespectful
iiMurkzxRwA: i did
iiMurkzxRwA: z
iiMurkzxRwA: You Knows Nothing
iiFIeekzxRwA: /me scrolls up
Guest_ElizabethRose61: Lml how rude 😂😂
iiMurkzxRwA: Go ahead Feel Like An Ass after
iiFIeekzxRwA: gma
iiMurkzxRwA: Ayee Note Am Only rude To robyn
iiFIeekzxRwA: basi scratched my face
iiMurkzxRwA: Cause She rude To Me
iiMurkzxRwA: z
Omoge: why u being so rude to ur niece?
Omoge: :o
iiMurkzxRwA: So You Lying To Everyone Now
Omoge: scratched ur face?
iiFIeekzxRwA: im not
iiMurkzxRwA: Do You Have No shame
iiFIeekzxRwA: yes
TheBarb: woah
iiMurkzxRwA: Shes Lying
iiFIeekzxRwA: katie was there
iiFIeekzxRwA: i got witness
iiMurkzxRwA: Katie Only Picking Up for u Cause Yall Twins
iiMurkzxRwA: She Saw Nothing
iiFIeekzxRwA: she saw everythin
iiFIeekzxRwA: she was there the whole time
iiMurkzxRwA: She Didnt See Shit
iiFIeekzxRwA: y r u coverin up ur lies
Omoge: language
iiFIeekzxRwA: ur a bad liar
TheBarb: bruh
iiMurkzxRwA: Why Are You Telling them
iiMurkzxRwA: sorry Gma
iiMurkzxRwA: :/
iiMurkzxRwA: :(
iiFIeekzxRwA: see now he feels bad
iiFIeekzxRwA: about wat he did 2 me
iiMurkzxRwA: For Language
iiMurkzxRwA: Fool
iiFIeekzxRwA: oh
iiFIeekzxRwA: so
Scorphion: /me gets my belt and scares grandbabies with it by smacking it on the ground
iiMurkzxRwA: i didnt Do Shit to You
iiFIeekzxRwA: ur not sorry u scratched me
iiMurkzxRwA: O.o
Shennessy: o.o
iiMurkzxRwA: No i didnt
iiFIeekzxRwA: ;(
Guest_ElizabethRose61: Smh
TheBarb: z.
iiMurkzxRwA: i didnt Touch You So Stop Telling Lies on Me
Scorphion: /me ducktapes grandbabies lips
Scorphion: Enough now
Scorphion: Stop the fussing
iiFIeekzxRwA: im not
iiFIeekzxRwA: u put ur hands on me
Shennessy: lol
TheBarb: they wont listen
TheBarb: z
TheBarb: i told em stop
Scorphion: Ikr
Scorphion: pf
TheBarb: they must wanna hear my mouth
Scorphion: Sssshhhhhhhh now
iiFIeekzxRwA: nigerette
Scorphion: Robyn
Scorphion: Stop
TheBarb: didnt you hear us tell you to stopp
iiMurkzxRwA: No i didnt froggy Face
TheBarb: stop the shit rn
iiFIeekzxRwA: puta
Scorphion: Bassy stop
Scorphion: z
Scorphion: /me calls my son MArio
Scorphion: bruh
iiFIeekzxRwA: ooo
iiMurkzxRwA: Puta
iiFIeekzxRwA: :O
Shennessy: z
iiMurkzxRwA: Sk A D
Shennessy: z
Shennessy: z
Shennessy: oooo strict
iiFIeekzxRwA: im tellin dad
iiFIeekzxRwA: u cullo
iiMurkzxRwA: Go Ahead am Telling to
iiMurkzxRwA: U Ctfu
iiFIeekzxRwA: :O
iiFIeekzxRwA: :O
iiFIeekzxRwA: :O
iiMurkzxRwA: -_-
Scorphion: /me is done with these kids ...
Scorphion: z
iiFIeekzxRwA: /me cries
iiFIeekzxRwA: gpa did u hear tht
iiMurkzxRwA: <<
iiFIeekzxRwA: u cursed me out
iiMurkzxRwA: You Told Me that on ribbit
iiFIeekzxRwA: im tellin mom
iiMurkzxRwA: Go Ahead idc ill Tell To
iiFIeekzxRwA: /me side kicks basi
iiFIeekzxRwA: hey mommy
TheBarb: wlc
iiFIeekzxRwA: basi scratched me on my face see
iiMurkzxRwA: everyone Saw She side Kicked Me Right
iiFIeekzxRwA: bc i scratched me
iiMurkzxRwA: i Glad You Know
iiFIeekzxRwA: mom
iiMurkzxRwA: you scratched your Self
iiFIeekzxRwA: he put his hads on me
iiFIeekzxRwA: *hands
iiFIeekzxRwA: be a man n admit u put ur hands on me
iiMurkzxRwA: You such a Big Fat Lier
iiMurkzxRwA: i Glad Mom Gorn
Shennessy: aye you two
iiMurkzxRwA: She fed up Of your Lies
iiFIeekzxRwA: no
TheBarb: at this point im done talking @ shenny
Shennessy: yall hear me
iiFIeekzxRwA: im not lyin u put ur hands on me n katie
Shennessy: fleek and murk
iiFIeekzxRwA: yes
Shennessy: 1
iiMurkzxRwA: No i Didnt
Shennessy: 2
iiFIeekzxRwA: lies
iiMurkzxRwA: You full Of Bs
TheBarb: both of yall shut your mf mouths
iiFIeekzxRwA: no ur full of trash
Shennessy: /me calls boogeyman
TheBarb: before i pop both of yall
iiFIeekzxRwA: :O
iiFIeekzxRwA: /me shuts my mouth
iiMurkzxRwA: No you are
Shennessy: keep talkin
iiMurkzxRwA: Send him After Her
TheBarb: <.<
TheBarb: you be quiet now
Shennessy: and ima get him to watch yall tonight
iiMurkzxRwA: She deserve tht
TheBarb: leave her alone
Shennessy: who wants food
iiFIeekzxRwA: me
iiMurkzxRwA: Tell Her To Stop Telling Lies on Me
TheBarb: shut your mouth
iiFIeekzxRwA: im not lyin
TheBarb: leave it alone <<<
Shennessy: just get over it
iiFIeekzxRwA: yea
iiFIeekzxRwA: get over it nigerette
Shennessy: if you know you didnt do it then ignore her
TheBarb: listen
TheBarb: listen to me now
TheBarb: cause once yall piss me off
iiMurkzxRwA: Fine!
iiMurkzxRwA: Am Done
Shennessy: now come eat fries
iiMurkzxRwA: But Robyn sk a D
iiMurkzxRwA: !
iiMurkzxRwA: Okay :D
Shennessy: -_-
iiMurkzxRwA: :D
iiFIeekzxRwA: :O
TheBarb: robyn sit next to shenny
iiMurkzxRwA: So No Fries For Me?
iiFIeekzxRwA: no
TheBarb: now you mr
TheBarb: dont tell your sister to do nun with her mouth
TheBarb: before i punch your teeth out
iiMurkzxRwA: O.o Thought You didnt Know what that Mean
iiMurkzxRwA: z
Scorphion: LMAOOO
Scorphion: z
Scorphion: bruh
iiMurkzxRwA: -_-
Scorphion: @Gson
Shennessy: bbbgggggggggg
iiFIeekzxRwA: u tried it
Scorphion: Welcome Yaya
Shennessy: murk
TheBarb: im a lady first
TheBarb: but i will jerk your ass df up
iiMurkzxRwA: You Cant Touch Me
Scorphion: bbg hush
iiMurkzxRwA: You Not |My Mom
Shennessy: you can get some fries too
Scorphion: stop using them harsh words on your niece and nephew
iiMurkzxRwA: -_-
Scorphion: -____-
TheBarb: idc <
iiFIeekzxRwA: no he cant
TheBarb: im your aunt
Shennessy: yes
iiMurkzxRwA: idc
Shennessy: yall sharing
TheBarb: you need to watch how you talk to women
iiMurkzxRwA: ---
XCherriiiX: hola
iiFIeekzxRwA: /me eats up all the fries
Scorphion: z
TheBarb: >.>
Scorphion: Dad must hear this
iiMurkzxRwA: Armm She My sister get over it
TheBarb: he will
TheBarb: trust me
iiMurkzxRwA: Talk To Her How i Want
XCherriiiX: well hey Jay
TheBarb: no you wont
TheBarb: >
TheBarb: he told her to suck a d...
iiMurkzxRwA: She Told Me that Last Night
iiMurkzxRwA: z
iiFIeekzxRwA: no i didnt
iiMurkzxRwA: Why u Speaking if U Know Nothing
iiMurkzxRwA: z
Scorphion: < :O he did?!
iiMurkzxRwA: Bruh
TheBarb: yup
Scorphion: /me puts hand on my chest
iiFIeekzxRwA: bc i can put my 2 cents in if i want
Scorphion: Bassyyyyy
TheBarb: thats why i had to get rough
iiMurkzxRwA: Yes U Did
Scorphion: /me gets a cardiac arrest
XCherriiiX: <
Shennessy: yall alll getting on my nerves
Shennessy: >
XCherriiiX: mommy
XCherriiiX: z
Shennessy: hey bbg
iiMurkzxRwA: Gmaynee She done all Bad Things To Me
iiMurkzxRwA: so why i Cant do Them Bk
Shennessy: /me glad my children grown
XCherriiiX: ig u da only person that seen me say hey
XCherriiiX: lol
Shennessy: how you doing hunni
Shennessy: they all arguing
Shennessy: z
XCherriiiX: im good
Scorphion: What did she do Bassy?
XCherriiiX: oop welp
TheBarb: im not arguing
Scorphion: I said hey first Yaya
TheBarb: z
XCherriiiX: idc
Scorphion: O.o
TheBarb: lool
XCherriiiX: wassup jay
Scorphion: -____-
Shennessy: z
iiMurkzxRwA: She told Me sk a Dick Last Night
Scorphion: /me puts both hands on my chest out of shock
iiMurkzxRwA: Robyn If i Click That its Drama Lool
Scorphion: Who teach you all them bad lango gkids?!
iiMurkzxRwA: She Taught Me
iiFIeekzxRwA: i didnt say tht
iiFIeekzxRwA: imma angel
iiMurkzxRwA: Lies Again
iiMurkzxRwA: z
iiMurkzxRwA: Wow you Full Of them
TheBarb: /me drinks gatorade
iiFIeekzxRwA: nah
iiMurkzxRwA: O.o
iiFIeekzxRwA: ur such a bad lair
iiFIeekzxRwA: lie again
iiMurkzxRwA: Your room Lock froggy Face
iiFIeekzxRwA: -_-
iiFIeekzxRwA: nigerette
iiFIeekzxRwA: blk moses
iiFIeekzxRwA: head butt
TheBarb: here we go again
iiMurkzxRwA: i Not even Gonna answer You Here
iiFIeekzxRwA: dont try me
Shennessy: shut the hell up you 2
Shennessy: yall argue with others like tht not with each other
iiMurkzxRwA: Ohh Amah Do More than Try
iiFIeekzxRwA: Erohw
TheBarb: /me eats chips in my own world
Shennessy: /me throws grapes at both of you
iiFIeekzxRwA: /me catches it n throws it at basi head
TheBarb: /me catches one and eat it
iiFIeekzxRwA: lool
iiMurkzxRwA: -_-
iiMurkzxRwA: ~MeLooks for Hammer~
iiFIeekzxRwA: issa mad or nah
Shennessy: z
iiMurkzxRwA: finna smash Your Head
Shennessy: /me duct tapes robyns mouth
Shennessy: now hush hun
iiFIeekzxRwA: wen isnt tht a violent threat
iiFIeekzxRwA: *well
iiFIeekzxRwA: ur goin 2 juvie
TheBarb: daddy
iiFIeekzxRwA: lookin 4 this
TheBarb: WAKE UP
iiMurkzxRwA: -_- If They Can Ketch Me
iiFIeekzxRwA: /me swings my hammer around
iiMurkzxRwA: -_-
iiMurkzxRwA: :O
iiFIeekzxRwA: how u like me now
iiMurkzxRwA: She trinna Hit Me
TheBarb: /me takes it from you
iiMurkzxRwA: Save Me
iiFIeekzxRwA: aww
iiMurkzxRwA: She Trinna Kill Me
iiFIeekzxRwA: /me takes out my other hammer
iiFIeekzxRwA: /me swings it n hits basi foot
iiFIeekzxRwA: whoops
Shennessy: oml
iiMurkzxRwA: Ahhhh
TheBarb: /me grab her
iiMurkzxRwA: z
Shennessy: /me facepalm
TheBarb: listen to me now!
iiFIeekzxRwA: aww
TheBarb: sit down and dont you move
TheBarb: wait till your dad come
iiFIeekzxRwA: :O
iiFIeekzxRwA: thts impossible 4 me
iiMurkzxRwA: Call The Police Froggy On The Lose
TheBarb: sit down now!
iiMurkzxRwA: :O
iiMurkzxRwA: See
iiFIeekzxRwA: dont call me tht
iiMurkzxRwA: Froggy Get Off Me Ugly Ass
iiFIeekzxRwA: @uggy
iiMurkzxRwA: Ugly dumb Fool
iiFIeekzxRwA: ill show u
iiMurkzxRwA: Ha
iiFIeekzxRwA: /me takes my whip out
TheBarb: either yall stop
iiMurkzxRwA: /Me Takes Out cutlass
iiFIeekzxRwA: whip
iiMurkzxRwA: Try Me Hoe
iiMurkzxRwA: :O
TheBarb: shenny
TheBarb: what you think i should do
TheBarb: let em leave
iiMurkzxRwA: Die!
iiFIeekzxRwA: u tried it
TheBarb: stop the mf fighting now
iiMurkzxRwA: Die!
iiFIeekzxRwA: whip2
TheBarb: or leave
iiFIeekzxRwA: deflect
iiFIeekzxRwA: missed me with tht
iiMurkzxRwA: Ahh
iiFIeekzxRwA: stop touchin me
iiMurkzxRwA: She started it
TheBarb: couldnt be my kids
TheBarb: nope
iiFIeekzxRwA: glow
Shennessy: lol
iiFIeekzxRwA: on
Shennessy: sorry im with my hubby
Shennessy: z
iiFIeekzxRwA: off
Shennessy: robyn
Shennessy: ima kick yo lil ass
iiFIeekzxRwA: yea
Shennessy: z
iiFIeekzxRwA: :O
Shennessy: z
Shennessy: z
iiMurkzxRwA: Stop That Shit
Shennessy: lmfao
iiFIeekzxRwA: thts child abuse
Shennessy: no it aint
Guest_KingCrix: HEY
iiFIeekzxRwA: tis it is
TheBarb: yall both attack each other
TheBarb: thats the real abuse
iiFIeekzxRwA: finna call ss
iiMurkzxRwA: Do it
TheBarb: yall dont listen
iiMurkzxRwA: Kick Her Ass
TheBarb: hard headed asf
iiFIeekzxRwA: anyways
iiFIeekzxRwA: yall like my jacket
Guest_KingCrix: ww
iiMurkzxRwA: Nope
iiFIeekzxRwA: su eoh
Guest_KingCrix: <<
Guest_KingCrix: bruh
iiMurkzxRwA: Df
Shennessy: z
Guest_KingCrix: >>
iiMurkzxRwA: Whats that Retard Language
iiFIeekzxRwA: see
Sexiiflexxi: <<
Guest_KingCrix: hey
Guest_KingCrix: >>
iiFIeekzxRwA: /me ignores him
Sexiiflexxi: heyyy
Guest_KingCrix: sup ma
Guest_KingCrix: >>
iiMurkzxRwA: Sk Yo Self
Sexiiflexxi: chillin chillin u ?
iiFIeekzxRwA: u aggy asf syau
iiMurkzxRwA: <<
iiFIeekzxRwA: dont look at me
Shennessy: lol
iiMurkzxRwA: You Like a dummy Nobody Understand What u Say
Shennessy: z
Guest_KingCrix: nun much bored af
iiFIeekzxRwA: oh fr
Sexiiflexxi: sameee
Guest_KingCrix: im crix btw
iiFIeekzxRwA: then dont tlk 2 me
iiMurkzxRwA: Fine !
iiFIeekzxRwA: bae
Shennessy: o.o
iiMurkzxRwA: z
TheBarb: lmfaooo
iiMurkzxRwA: Bring Your Man in Here For
TheBarb: its shenny face
iiMurkzxRwA: z
iiFIeekzxRwA: dd basi scrathed me
iiMurkzxRwA: He Dont Care
Guest_KingCrix: >>
Shennessy: what
Sexiiflexxi: <<
Sexiiflexxi: sorry im in my room lol
iiFIeekzxRwA: yes he does
TheBarb: i feel like
TheBarb: he about to spam
TheBarb: z
iiFIeekzxRwA: lml
iiFIeekzxRwA: who
TheBarb: who you brought in here
iiFIeekzxRwA: oh
iiFIeekzxRwA: lol
iiFIeekzxRwA: no
Guest_KingCrix: >>oh
Guest_KingCrix: invite me
iiFIeekzxRwA: i wud of brought my other friend to crash
Guest_KingCrix: >>
Shennessy: /me lost asf
iiMurkzxRwA: O.o
iiMurkzxRwA: Ikr
iiFIeekzxRwA: :)
iiMurkzxRwA: Tf She Talking To
TheBarb: me
TheBarb: cause im in some important chats
Shennessy: z
Shennessy: lol
Sexiiflexxi: kk
iiRichkidterry: ?
DaePapii: this shit agg asff
iiFIeekzxRwA: dae
Shennessy: >
iiMurkzxRwA: Aww
Shennessy: bbg
TheBarb: no changing please
Shennessy: >
iiMurkzxRwA: Dae Got Her in Her feelings
Shennessy: >
Shennessy: >
XCherriiiX: yes
XCherriiiX: <
Shennessy: >
XCherriiiX: <
XCherriiiX: <
Shennessy: im with ur gma
XCherriiiX: ok inv me
iiFIeekzxRwA: bitch no syau
iiMurkzxRwA: Robyn sym Okay
Shennessy: robyn
Shennessy: z
Shennessy: syau
iiFIeekzxRwA: u so aggy
DaePapii: yea bae
DaePapii: ?
TheBarb: @ bae
iiMurkzxRwA: U So Froggy
TheBarb: z
Shennessy: you so goofy
iiFIeekzxRwA: this nigerette rih here>
iiMurkzxRwA: <<
iiFIeekzxRwA: put his hands on me
iiMurkzxRwA: i Should Of
DaePapii: 5p
iiMurkzxRwA: Break Your Dam Neck
DaePapii: :o
iiFIeekzxRwA: z.
DaePapii: p
iiFIeekzxRwA: dont be threatin me
DaePapii: 5p
iiMurkzxRwA: Do Sumo Hoe
DaePapii: i knt find my keyboard
iiFIeekzxRwA: @hoe
DaePapii: :l
iiFIeekzxRwA: z.
DaePapii: :i
TheBarb: both of yall
TheBarb: its past yall bed time
TheBarb: leave
DaePapii: on skreen keyboard
TheBarb: go to bed
iiMurkzxRwA: But U Are One You Told Me U Be Sucking Niggas Dick
Shennessy: z
Shennessy: z
Shennessy: z
iiFIeekzxRwA: i said i suck my nigas dick
iiMurkzxRwA: Thought i Forgot
iiMurkzxRwA: Hear
iiMurkzxRwA: Niggas
iiMurkzxRwA: Not Nigga Niggas
XCherriiiX: o.o
iiFIeekzxRwA: thts how i say it got a problem?
iiMurkzxRwA: Yea You Hoe Thats the Problem
TheBarb: little kids sucking dick
TheBarb: what has this world come to
TheBarb: z
iiMurkzxRwA: Ikr
iiFIeekzxRwA: im not a hoe so u can cut tht shit off
TheBarb: and brave enough
TheBarb: to say they doing it
iiMurkzxRwA: She such A Bad Person
TheBarb: shit like that you keep in the bedroom
iiMurkzxRwA: Sucking Dick U Should Be Ashame
TheBarb: nobody should openly know what you do in the bedroom
iiFIeekzxRwA: and u eat pussy
iiMurkzxRwA: Nope
iiFIeekzxRwA: so u suck dicks then
Shennessy: why my sis leave
iiMurkzxRwA: Nope fire
iiMurkzxRwA: i smash Pussy
iiFIeekzxRwA: ok weirdo
iiMurkzxRwA: <<
iiFIeekzxRwA: >>
iiMurkzxRwA: Am The Weirdo Wow
XCherriiiX: o.o
iiFIeekzxRwA: boo nigga
TheBarb: yall need to not be talking about that
iiFIeekzxRwA: stop lookin at me
TheBarb: shit is making me sick
iiMurkzxRwA: O.o
iiMurkzxRwA: << Pause
iiMurkzxRwA: >>
iiFIeekzxRwA: nigga
iiMurkzxRwA: You Fr
iiFIeekzxRwA: @pause
iiMurkzxRwA: Dont You Get your Pussy smash
TheBarb: yall too young to be talking bout htat
Shennessy: /me shocked yall aint booted them yet
iiMurkzxRwA: Tf
iiFIeekzxRwA: :O
Shennessy: z
XCherriiiX: z
Shennessy: z
TheBarb: yall in a kid avi
iiMurkzxRwA: O.o
TheBarb: df yall talkin bout that for
TheBarb: daddy made robyn a mod
TheBarb: sooo
TheBarb: cant boot her
iiMurkzxRwA: Girl Am 17
TheBarb: but best believe
DaePapii: im loookin forfor my keyboard
TheBarb: that will be fixed
TheBarb: idc how old you are
TheBarb: rn
TheBarb: your a kid
TheBarb: so act like a kid
iiMurkzxRwA: -_-
TheBarb: dont be a kid avi
TheBarb: and dont kno how to avt
TheBarb: act*
iiFIeekzxRwA: oop
TheBarb: you too
iiFIeekzxRwA: z.
iiMurkzxRwA: Watch Me Sym
iiMurkzxRwA: !
TheBarb: i dont want to hear no adult talk
TheBarb: <
TheBarb: so you gonna suck your grandma
TheBarb: ok
TheBarb: ill be sure to tell her too
iiFIeekzxRwA: dude chill out basi
DaePapii: ooo
DaePapii: loll
DaePapii: yall n trouble
iiMurkzxRwA: O.O Tf You talking Bout
iiFIeekzxRwA: not i
iiMurkzxRwA: dont even Know Way it Mean
DaePapii: fofl
Shennessy: /melpost again
iiMurkzxRwA: Do what u Want
Shennessy: z
Shennessy: lost
TheBarb: im jamaican ass wipe
TheBarb: ofc im know
iiFIeekzxRwA: wat it mean
iiMurkzxRwA: What it Means ?
iiFIeekzxRwA: idk
TheBarb: sym- suck your madda
iiMurkzxRwA: Not You Robyn Her
TheBarb: watch your mouth
iiFIeekzxRwA: no fr wat it mean
TheBarb: see you dont know who i am
TheBarb: im your aunt
TheBarb: and you tellin me that
iiFIeekzxRwA: oh suck ur madre
iiFIeekzxRwA: duh
iiFIeekzxRwA: im slow
TheBarb: is gonna get your ass in big trouble
iiMurkzxRwA: Okay Way U Want A Sorry
DaePapii: k1
iiMurkzxRwA: z
iiMurkzxRwA: ds
iiMurkzxRwA: Okay
Shennessy: z
Shennessy: z
Shennessy: z
iiFIeekzxRwA: lord
iiMurkzxRwA: You Not My Mom
iiFIeekzxRwA: u so disrespectful>
TheBarb: you forever saying that
TheBarb: i will never be your mom
iiFIeekzxRwA: learn some manners
TheBarb: i dont adopt the trouble
TheBarb: dont start nun with me
iiMurkzxRwA: Right so stopping Act Like Her
TheBarb: cause best believe
TheBarb: ill shut your ass down
iiMurkzxRwA: U Dont start With Me -_-
iiMurkzxRwA: Try Me
iiFIeekzxRwA: dam this gettin heated
iiFIeekzxRwA: hush basi
iiMurkzxRwA: No She Wanna Be Bad And Brave
TheBarb: lmfaooooooo
iiFIeekzxRwA: lord u finna get booted
TheBarb: like this lil nigga can scare me
iiMurkzxRwA: Me And U Having Our thing she wanna Jump in
iiFIeekzxRwA: @thing
TheBarb: you call that a thing
iiMurkzxRwA: Idc
TheBarb: bs
TheBarb: you said your gonna suck my moms right
TheBarb: lil nigga
iiMurkzxRwA: No
iiFIeekzxRwA: lord
TheBarb: dont say no now
iiMurkzxRwA: i Told you suck Your Madda
iiMurkzxRwA: u So
iiMurkzxRwA: z
Shennessy: z
iiMurkzxRwA: Not Jamaican
Shennessy: lmfao if yall dun hush
TheBarb: @ im not jamaican
Shennessy: /me calls popz
TheBarb: funny
TheBarb: must want to see my birth certificate
iiFIeekzxRwA: im done
TheBarb: gtfo
iiFIeekzxRwA: lord jesus
iiFIeekzxRwA: dae wyd

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