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Varus,Nami,Karthus,J4,Shen (Shen with TP Splitpushes top, rest of team pressures anything in the jungle(buffs dragon baron.))
Nami uses ult, followed by Varus'. J4 knock up ult (J4 ults adc if adc doesnt have a dash [mf,ashe]
Otherwise J4 ults as many people as he can. Karthus is on top of everyone with W, if he dies he ults,
Shen is to never ult Karthus or Nami EVER. This comp will only work in tight places like the jungle
So we need to pressure it at all times, after outer mid turret is destroyed. Bot lane is to poke and
hold out as long as possible, never really going all in, just trading and csing. If J4 ganks bot, he is to
hold on to ult, until nami's ult hits the target, J4 then follows ult with a knockup Ult combo after
Nami's knockups. Varus is to ult as Nami ults, focusing the same target. This should force flash and
and that is when J4 should use ult. If all fails Karthus presses R. Top lane is to call MIA when lane
opponent is gone, and continue pushing, Shen is to never leave lane, unless killed, he is to in no way
assist the team other than to get the turrets. If Shen ults, he must have TP ready to go back top
lane. The focus of the team is objective control, the focus of the comp is team fights. J4 should also
consider entering lane even if it is un-gank-able, to help get towers. Support gets early oracles and
wards to dominate the jungle.
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