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Wynncraft is a complicated thing to explain.

Throughout my years on Wynn so much has happened to gameplay, to the market and the community overall.

From when there was one set end game build to now with builds like Apocalypse breaking the game.

From when a stack of le was TONS to now being able to make a stack in a single day with the broken market.

From when the community was so small and close to having this huge player base with unknown players.

Even with this rise in size I think our community has still endured and overcame some major events,

Like the great forums wipe, or the CSST ban wave. My 4-year experience with Wynn has changed a lot

over the years, I have met so many new people, I created connections and did some pretty cool things that

I never really expected to do, I've had good moments like getting a mythic but I've bad ones like

finding out that mythic is a pure. I've had to watch users brag about things like finding 2 myths in a single day.

After all that though, being in the discord, spending nights on the discord and chatting at Detlas It really

ensures me on how close this community is, it gives a light to an area where most users find darkness.

Besides that, one of my favorite things to do, as I said, is hangout in Detlas WC1. The market in Wynncraft

is very interesting, one of the weirdest things I've seen. Some users like Orange spend their time predicting and

setting prices for things like mythics and powders. Others just plain scam users by selling overpriced

mythics or buy them for under their actual value, now besides the entire debate about scamming and what not,

That area, that server is one of the most interactive places in any game I've ever seen.

The chat, the users, the particles, the pets... The Choas

That chaos, that environment is what I play wynncraft for, so now I ask you,

whats that one thing that you play wynncraft for?

The market? The gameplay? A user? or is just a combination of everything
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Regards; Team

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