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check vizi youtube streams further for friends list. looks good
find others stream if can (twitch, youtube, facebook)

what is that pro gnar's habbit ulting enemies into your team with no cc instead of a wall? even if wall is opposide side to your team, it is always worth stunning them. damage WILL follow.
Odo's mini gnar is great and provides a lot of pressure, but his mega gnar needs some work

need to take more actions not to let enemy to snowball onto flashless cass mid.

read your recent interview + post game interview.
no need to talk in house about importance or sentiments of games vs UOL or playoffs.
You CAN put pressure in terms of game aspects "We need to have vision, we must push advantages or play slower'.
But try to avoid talks about importance/sentiment.
Even if players are confident and they discuss it in a very positive way. STILL dont.
cause it puts their focus on wrong things.
Obviously, it is what drives and makes them practice hard. but during that day or even 1 day before - try not to.

jungle check:
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