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well yup its me (my name) back here whoon whould have though after watching akward for 1 1/2 times because i havent finished watching it for the second time here i am so lets get started with todays vlog. I guess will i get noticed i havent told the world that i have a dog yup a dog let me list/tell you the cons and pros of having a DOG! first of all you can i have some insperation to workout go outside get some sun vitam D anyway it is proven that kids or people in gental that have dogs/own a dog live longer!Bet you didnt know that!haahah anyway enough when my lauing btw i did not laugh instide i smiled like i am doing right now and my sister is taking about some show and how this girl named alision and how she should hae not died etc etc... But lets go back to me telling you about dogs they honstly make you happy and make you feel better they are there for you and your dog is you bff best firends forever until they pass away sorryyy... that was kind of cuwel but what can i say you have to be cewl to be kind "AkWARD" refes am i right ladies and gentalmen now the bad slide to having a dog is ................................not really anything expect you might get tired of having to work him/her but thats all:) ok so while you read all of this am going to be telling you guys/people about my day :) so today i went to get my braces tit i guess what ever the fuge bags its called but i changed my color and got green i just went for it so yeah ok so now am going to be typing with out looking at the keyboard in 3 seconds 1 2 3 ok so am not looking am looking at the screen and yea so am going to be going on msp moviestarplant so add me @

cherry#cola and also my other account

what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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