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Izanagi/Otsmar- Hello my name is Izanagi I like to play in the ocean with my friend Izanami you'll meet her later but we found something so cool!! We found a spear made out of jewels!! Izanami/Kyra- Hi!!! I suppose my friend told you about me well with that spear of jewels we stirred up the islands of Japan! Izanagi/Otsmar- well later on... umm Izanami died giving birth to our wonderful kid Kagutsuchi! you should meet him! Kagutsuchi/Mathew- Hello I'm the kid of Izanami and Izanagi. I'm the God of Fire! I like to visit my father in the Underworld. Narrator 1/Mathew-Little did Kagutsuchi know that when he washed himself off with the purest waters gods and goddess' would be born Amaterasu his left eye, Tsukiyomi his right eye, and Susanoo his nose,Susanoo/Zenobia- Hi my names Susanoo and I have a big sister. Were both GODS! But it's not fair I have the power of the Storms which means I always cause misery and suffering!!!! My big sister Amaterasu is loved she makes life easier by giving the humans the "gift" of light (She's the Goddess of the sun).
Amaterasu/Makaila- Hello my name is Amaterasu and I have a little brother... His name is Susanoo. He likes torture me well mostly annoy me! he once made a big mess in my palace, then after that he threw a... dead horse in my sewing room!, and he just had to destroy my rice fields! So I thought it would be a good idea to hide. Narrator 2/Naisy- The world was sad and dark for awhile until someone did a silly dance and Amaterasu came out.
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