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Question: How has the end of the cold war affect the way United States conduct foreign policy?
Website Response: The U.S. scaled back it's foreign policy budget as well as it's cold war budget during the 1990's.
My Response: The end of the Cold War affected the way the U.S. conducts foreign policy by reducing the foreign policy and Cold War budgets during the 1990's.
Question: Define World Trade Center, Pentagon, and Northern Alliance.
World Trade Center- a business center in New York City
Pentagon- the headquarters of the U.S. military leadership
Northern Alliance- an Afghan group that had fought against the Taliban since the early 1990's
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Question: How did the terrorists attack the U.S. on 911 2001?
The terrorists attacked by hijacking four planes, crashing two of them into the W,T.C (the twin towers collapsing as a result), the third one into the pentagon, and the last was going to crash into the white house, but was taken down by other planes into an open field somewhere in Pennsylvania.
Question: Why do you think it was important for that the U.S. to build an international coalition against terrorism?
It was important to make an international coalition against terrorism because
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