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After uni was over for the day, I decided not to come home at once. I wanted to hang out with Harry and some other douchebags in the bar. Why not? I didn't have too study for any tests and I was done with my five page essay about the bullshit Roman history. I should have not gotten drunk because then I could drive my car back home, but obviously, my decisions were bad. Speaking of bad decisions, Harry and I were talking about our new fuckbuddies and turns out that he wasn't messing around with little mermaid anymore. I had a bowl laughing about his new fuck buddy who I was pretty sure was ten years old or younger judging by what Harry told me about her. Well, at least we went to a bar tonight and drank over six shots. Usually, it took me three to get drunk. I obviously bragged about Alexandra because what was there not to brag about. She knew more about sex than the other chick and I was glad I got to fuck her. And she had huge tits, an ass of gold and she was pretty voluptuous and tan. My clumsy hand dropped the key but luckily I managed to unlock the door. I stretched before tossing the key on the table, slipping off my shoes and pulling off my jacket and hanging it. I gave Alexandra the spare key to my house yesterday, which the owner gave me in case I wanted a roommate but I wasn't down to sharing my house with anyone anytime soon so why not give it to her? I'd take it back again once I was done with her. As expected, she was there and looked sexy as ever. Fuck, I just remembered something. "Okay hey, I'm changing my uni class from Calculus one to Calculus two so I need to buy a new book. Think you have sixty pounds on you? I'm pretty broke right now." I shrugged and showed her my empty pockets. Fine, the truth was that Harry and I saw the best champagne named Romanee-Conti DRC on display at the bar tonight and it cost around a good amount of money. I was sixty pounds short on that shit. The bartender was telling us that it had one of the finest taste in Britain and hell, I wouldn't miss that for thing. In fact, I wanted a bottle myself to keep my company on lonely nights. But I doubted she would give me the money if she got to know that I would 'waste' it on alcohol so I just had to say a little white lie and give her an educational reason. I just loved me some good alcohol while sitting on the couch and watching some shit show. I mean, it won't be a waste of money if I actually needed the alcohol. Okay, it was a big fat lie. I didn't need the alcohol, but most of my friends had it and it wouldn't fucking kill me to try it out and blend in with the crowd. "But hey, nice dinner. I love lasagne by the way. Haven't had it in ages. You cook a lot?" I grinned and eyed the lasagne hungrily. It was a while since I had that and usually I would just shove some left over pie inside my mouth and go to bed. I was too lazy to take some time of and create a fancy dinner. Cereal and leftovers always did the trick even though I would always get hungry very often due to my unbalanced meals. She told me that it was not a date and just a friendly dinner. Thank the fucking lord it wasn't. I was in fact a little scared that it was in the beginning when I saw the whole dinner thing. I mean, only couples did this dinner thing, right? Well, I guess not. I was completely up for a friendly dinner and I got me some free lasagne. That has got to be the jackpot. I would love to get to know her a little better and just talk. I mean, I preferred a quiet dinner and didn't want anyone to bother me while eating, but it was actually quite interesting to talk to her and listen to her opinions about different shit. I would usually put on some reality television and sit on the couch with my bowl of chips and junk food with my feet on the table and munch away my non existent feelings. Feelings and emotions are for ugly people. Having a hard exterior and living life without giving a single fuck about others people's feelings were for people like me and the rest of the lost causes I had befriended. I didn't like to show any emotions towards people nor did I enjoy company too much. I guess I liked the idea of being alone. But now, I had started to like it a little more. Having a few people to talk to seemed highly amazing. I mean, as long as I was entertained. I hated awkward silences too.
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