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1. Pet walking summer jobs for 11 year olds,Pet walking - 11 year old
To handle this summer job 11 year old kids will need some experience handling dogs. Start by walking your own pet or a neighbor’s dog to get the hang of it. Once you’re ready you’ll be able to get business throughout your neighborhood. This summer job pays about $10 per walk for each dog.

2. Arts and crafts summer jobsArts and crafts - 11 year old
Eleven year olds who enjoy creating arts and crafts can turn this hobby into a great summer job. Stick with projects that you like so you’ll enjoy the time you spend doing this summer job. Create enough products to sell at community garage sales and flea markets.

3. Pet sitting summer jobs for eleven year oldsPet sitting - 11 year old
This summer job requires 11 year olds to work from about 2pm-6pm while pet owners are away from home. You’ll check on and entertain pets as needed by their owners. These summer jobs pay about $7 per day for each pet you are sitting.

1. Make a job out of baking.
Are you an 11 year old that loves to bake? If so then this job is perfect for you. Take those baked goods you so enjoy making and earn some extra cash by selling them at bazaars, fairs and events. You can also have friends and family set you up with being the baker for parties and events.Eleven year olds can expect to earn about $20-25 per event for this job.

2. Baby sit for kids.
Eleven years olds can find an interesting job in working as a babysitter. To become a very competent babysitter, boys and girls can take babysitter courses and gain certification in CPR. These two things will make you both a more desirable candidate to parents and also will allow to earn a higher wage. Your employer will respect that fact that you went the extra mile in taking the course & gaining the certification.

3. Redeem aluminum cans at a recycling center.
Eleven year olds can have friends and relatives save aluminum cans and redeem them at recycling centers for cash. Just like Boostapal, you'll ask friends and family to help you out. Just enter your zip code at 1800recycling and you can locate your nearest recycling center.In the end, an 11 year old minor can typically earn $8-10 per hour recycling aluminum cans. Plus, you'll help the environment with this job!
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