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benefits: reduces anxiety and confusion / avoids long surface swims / increases dive plan effectiveness / avoids buddy seperation / conservies air
what are the five methods for estimating distance underwater, and how you use them:1.kick cycle 2.elapsed time 3. cylinder pressure 4.arm spans 5. messured line or tape
pre dive : waves ,currentst title movment/ sun angle off shore objects and formations/ depth finder
decent:decent head up/ face direction you intend to go/ note speed and current natural refrances: 1.light and shadows 2. water movement 3. bottom composition and formations 4. bottom contur 5. plants and animals 6. noise
what patterns do divers use for underwater navigation:out and back lines/ squaire/ rectangles what are six ways you can use under water patterns effectivily : 1.agree on a pattern 2. visulise a pattern 3.use a small patern 4.rember where u were buddy navigates 6.if disorented, surface carfuly and check your position
under water cumpas: liquid filled free swing netle
1.abcd 2.a 4. b 5. abd 6.a 7.a 8.abcd
advantages from diving from a boat:access to dive sites beond a reasonable swim from shore / easy to move to a diffrent site/ avoids surf, mud or long hikes / dive in area with no shore diving what boats bow, stern and starnorn side and port side: stern-extreme rear, bow-front pointy end, port side- left , starbord-right windward side-wind blowing accrossed deck (side it comes from) leeward- oppisite side of windward head - toilet galley-cooking area bridge-steering aria rail-outer edge transom-planking at stern cillinder racks-secure skuba cylinders bunks-beds below deck(useally larger boats) entry/exit- off stern ot sides what 3 features do you expect from vertually any dive boat: ample deck space , stability, adiquit engin power what are 4 genral dive boat catigorys and there cariteristics : 1inflatibles (range from 3-6 meters or 10-20 feet in langth)( and can cary two to six divers)(two tubes with outboard motor)(stable and seaworthy for any size)2.hard hull day-boats (range from 3-6 meters or 10-20 feet in langth)(typically used for single day or short distance excursions )(best designed spicifically for diving )(can be traillored)3.cabin crusers (6-10 meters or 20-30 feet in langth)(accomidations for extended trips)(carry 6-10 divers)(sailboats,yauts, and medeum sized hard-hulls) 4. live-abordes( 10 meters or 30 feet and go up)(cumfrotably accomidate large groups for long-distance trips)(may use small boat to get to dive sites) what 8 pieces of basic safty equiptment do you tipically find on dive boats and where you whould find this equiptment ?:personal floatation devices(PFDs) (required by law in most arias)(smaller boats tucked to side)(medeum to large boats in marked departments) (fire extinguishers - visablly near galley and engine recimended on all boats) sound signiling devices-warn off other boats summin divers and signal emergincys, small boats - whissles or hand held air horns, medeum - large boats controlled by bridge , visual distress devices flair guns and strobe lights , summin aid at long distances , kept near bridge ,first aid kit - water tight container in dry area oxigen equiptment - care for most serious dive axidents , near first aid kit merine radio- genral and emergincy communication on bridge or below small boats may have smallhand held or mobile phone bilge pump or bailer- automatic with manual switch on bridge hand backup or bailer how do you prevent sea sickness: medication- take before boarding (check lable and try before diving consult physician) get plenty of sleep avoid alchoal eat a ballenced and non greacy meal stay in fresh air position yourseplf in center of boat avoid intrecate tasks look at horision stay out of the head throw up over leeword rail if rough have someone hold you try siping water how don you prepair your equiptment for a boat dive ? inspect your gear in advance mark each piece clearly use a checklist pack it in your dive bag in the reverce order that youl need it fill your cylinder in advance pack a seprate bag with small items, dry items be sure you have an audible and visual siginaling device how do you prepair yourself for a boat dive? avoid alchol but drink plenty of water juce and other noncafinated drinks eat well get plenty of sleep tell someone take sea sickness pills in advance what are the genral boarding procedures for a genral charder boat dive check in atleast a half hour prior to departure ask for premission to board ask where and how to to stow equipment (assume anything on deck will get wet ) sine in and complete required paper work set up gear before boat leaves dock if approprate listen to crew breafing relax and enjoy ride avoid moving more than nessasary what 4 topics will a boat dive area orentation breafing useally cover? boat facilitys orentation genral dive site chariteristics buddy consiterations communications, emergincy procedures and genral saftey rules what are the procedures for suiting up and gearing up on a dive boat? gearing up procedures vary with boat size and time to dive site from a small-medum boat: prepaire equiptment and put onexposure suit before leaving the dock may put skuba unit in water if diving from a private boat have someone stay abord from a large boat assembe gear and suit up -work from bag watch ballence secure skuba cylender put on all equiptment and cunduct predive safty check walk carfually to entry area don mask and fins before entering the water what are genral guide lines from making entrys from verious types of boats? make sure buddy is ready have dive maste sign you out makesure entry area is clear hold mask fermily have someone hand you accoresorys signal ok and clear the area small boats - sitting back-roll or vontroled seated entry put unit in the water large boats- gient stride, sitting back-roll or controlled seated entry *bestn entry is easiest entry* what are gear lines
1. a2.b 3.abdef 5.a 6.a 7.d 9.abd 10.b 11.
1.a 2.a 3.d 4.abcd 6.b 7.a 8.b 9.d 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
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