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Alfred F. Jones- Prydonian
Arthur Kirkland- Prydonian
Francis Bonnefoy- Patrex
Matthew Williams- Cerulean

Honda Kiku- Dromeian
Gilbert Beilschmidt- Scendeles
Ludwig Beilschmidt- Dromeian
Antonio Carriedo- Cerulean
Lovino Vargas- Scendeles
Feliciano Vargas- Patrex
Wang Yao- Arcalian
Ivan Braginsky- Cerulean

Are friendly and empathetic, caring deeply about making positive political change, especially towards the environment. Their passive nature and lofty principles may explain why they have less political power than some of the, er, more machiavellian chapters.
Are smart and practical, valuing rationality above all. They are the first to seek compromise, and work well with others. Liking to play things by-the-book, they tend to be more introverted, and prefer to be a support rather than in the limelight.
They're a natural born leader with a strong personality. They aren’t afraid of a good adventure, but may be known for using any ends to reach their means. “High risk, high reward” is their mantra, and this sometimes gets them in trouble (along with their strong temper). they’ve made a lot of enemies, but the friends they have they would do anything for. Prydonians have produced more Lord Presidents (and more renegades!) than any other chapter.
Have a taste for the extravagant and a love for beauty. People often say their head is in the clouds, but that might be because they are just looking toward the future. They love art, poetry, and anything where they can express their creative side, but they also rarely finish projects they begin.
Inquisitive yet cautious, their are easily absorbed in their passions and often find themselves pondering life’s big questions. They are the one always coming up with new ideas, and they frequently think outside the box. Arcalians prefer the safety of the lab to the dangers of the field, but are known for their prominent research society, the Arcalian Council for Temporal Research.
Silent but deadly. they tend to be the observer of their group, sticking to the sidelines until they understand everything. they are very ambitious, although they prefer to work under the radar rather than in the spotlight. Sometimes they make rash, sudden decisions that can get them in trouble.
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