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1492: Columbus' voyage - founded America
1607: Jamestown - first permanent English settlement
1676: Bacon's Rebellion - rebellion in Virginia against William Berkeley; led by Nathaniel Bacon
1754: French and Indian War (1756-1763 "Seven Years' War) - Britain vs France
1763: Treaty of Paris - ended French and Indian War
1776: Declaration of Independence - declared independence from Britain; would lead to American Rev.
1781: Ratification of Articles of Confederation - first constitution of the U.S.
1783: Treaty of Paris - ended American Revolution
1787: Constitution drafted - stronger version of A.O.C.
1788: Constitution ratified - N.H. was the colony/state which allowed for its ratification
1800: Jefferson elected president - would lead to new age, "Antebellum era"
1812: War of 1812 - James Madison, America vs Britain
1820: Missouri Compromise - settled border disputes, slavery disputes, line drawn free vs slave
1848: Mexican American War - America wins land from Mexico, California
1850: Compromise of 1850 - California enters as free state, stronger Fugitive Slave Law
1860: Lincoln's election - southern states begin to secede; onset of Civil War
1861: Beginning of Civil War - North vs South
1863: Reconstruction begins during Civil War - fix the South, Lincoln adjusts war goals
1865: Civil war ends - North victory, South in turmoil
1877: Compromise of 1877 - ends Reconstruction, a time period of rebuilding for South
1890: Sherman Anti-Trust Act - effort to regulate monopolies, break up trusts, good regulate, bad destroy
1896: Plessy vs Ferguson - separate but equal
1898: Spanish-American War - Spain vs America, America wins control over Cuba, cedes over land to Spain
1903: Platt Amendment - extensive U.S. involvement in Cuba in order to protect
1914: Beginning of WWI - Assassination of Franz Ferdinand, allied vs central
1918: End of WWI - allied powers win, Germany in turmoil
1919: Treaty of Versailles - Germany pays reparations, League of Nations
1929: Stock Market Crash, depression begins - overuse of credit, speculation, period of turmoil for Americans
1939: Beginning of WWII - Germany invasion of Poland, Japan vs China, axis vs allied
1945: End of WWII - Bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan surrenders, allied win
1947: Start of Cold War - Soviets vs U.S., "Space Race", nuclear
1954: Brown vs Board of Education - ends segregation in schools
1955: Vietnam War begins - North vs South, North trying to reunite under communist regime
1968: Tet Offensive - American disapproval, escalation in the Vietnam War because of this attack
1972: Watergate Scandal - Nixon deletes records; sneaking into democrat office for info, "he didn't know"
1974: Nixon resigns - Watergate scandal would have him impeached, resigned before he could be
1975: Vietnam War ends - under Gerald Ford
1980: Reagan elected - begins age of conservatism - conservative movement
1989: Fall of Berlin Wall - ends Cold War
2001: Terrorist attacks in D.C. and NYC - Twin towers fall, leads to Patriot Act
2008: Obama elected - first African-American president

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