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Entering into this game, i really don't know the players i am playing with. I only know them by their names. Plus, they already have immediate allies in this game like josh having cj and caleb already even before the game starts. I, on the other hand, have no one. So, i tried on the first weeks of the game to keep a low profile just to observe who is with who. But it was still hard for me to exactly know where is the line in the sand is so i let the few evictions roll with me under the radar of everyone else.
When the duo twist came, i have been paired up to alina. We worked together and talked averagely. We become close and after the twist, we both feel the connection and made a final 2 deal. I only made a f2 deal with her and no one else in this game. When we were split into 2 teams, our team initially won a 2 weeks safety but the party fell short when a twist revealed that we need to evict 1 member of our team. I had a real life crisis at that time (our internet wire was cut due to a road widening), so was out for two weeks (evictions) in the game leading to a self vote. During our teams' eviction day, bryce was gunning for me and i almost went out in 3-2 vote (evicting bryce) and that was when i realized that i am no longer under the radar in this game, so, i came out to my shell and started to make big and bold moves.A twist let bryce re enter the game and i was so afraid that he will gun again for me. So i talked my way out and it turns out that the heat went between josh and bryce. But with a double eviction coming, knowing that any person who will get a vote will be auto nommed for round 2, i used this twist for my own advantage. Throughout this game, I HAVE NO ADVANTAGE AND THERE IS NO BETTER WAY TO BRIGHTEN UP MY SITUATION WITH USING THESE RESOURCES. So, I voted out a strong competitor in the name of MIGS. I didnt vote bryce like josh told me coz i wanna make mends with him. SO, IT IS NOT TRUE THAT JOSH CARRIED ME IN THIS GAME AND THAT HE CONTROLS THE VOTE. Because as you see, i have single handedly blindsided a strong competitor.
Teo Teody
So, after that blindside, i know that i will be in the hot seat next week coz the two sides of the house will surely gun for me for not following their command. At final 6, i made damage control with josh and dean who were greatly concerned on what went out. As they say, you must know when to tell the truth and not and to play your cards well. So, after few talk with josh, i revealed to him that i voted migs out. He was mad at me but i was able to calm him and the heat was with dean and josh again. This week, JOSH INVITED ME ON A FOUR PERSON ALLIANCE WITH HIM, CJ AND DAVID. After few talks, i really get his actions that he trusted david so much and it is pretty obvious that he and cj are really close after those obvious actions made by cj (cj saving josh all throughout this game). And what does this alliance means to me? One thing is clear, they will evict me when we will go to final 4. So, i voted the other way around. I wanna be brave in this game by FORCING A TIE BETWEEN DEAN AND JOSH. I shouldn't wait for this game to be down to final 4 and wait for me to be evicted to make a move so i made a move at a number that is still possible. And the most heart breaking scenario happened, during the revote, alina changed her vote and left me alone. And so i am pretty sure that i will be evicted next week at final 5.
Teo Teody
At final 5, i wanna strengthen my case to plea in the finals, by throwing the comp (not competing in it) so i would only go down with purely a social gameplay to stay. As cj told me, people will be voting me out. So, i delicately talked to him for him to evict another player other than me and it actually worked for him. He voted for alina (for being inactive) over me. That's only half of the plan coz i needed two votes. So, i came to josh to persuade him to not vote for me. I think i did it good coz the both of them actually voted for alina instead me. THE FACT THAT I WAS ABLE TO PERSUADE THE PEOPLE I WAS AGAINST LAST WEEK TO SAVE ME WAS A CLEAR MANIFESTATION OF MY GOOD SOCIAL GAMEPLAY. This week also, i showed alina that i am still loyal at her even if she abandoned me by not voting her our. I asked her not to evict me out. So, it is also fair for her for me not to evict her out. But she did voted me out. I voted for david that time. Alina and david voted for me. And cj and josh voted alina out and ultimately she was evicted from the game. So, my social gameplay worked out perfectly.
At final four, there is no other option for me to go for but to win IMMUNITY CHALLENGE. At this time, i won the least number of challenges but those challenges i lost, i ranked 2nd or 3rd most of the time (so i don't really suck at challenges). Hence, i was really hoping that i could pull off a game changing win for myself. I DID WON THE CHALLENGE. I was really hyped when i knew that i was going to the finals because i was already on the firing line that time when i snatched this golden pass. So, here i am in the finals hoping that you would see the hardwork i gave to be in this stage after having no advantages and literally no one in this game. I also did not allow any side of the house to just use me as a vote because tbh i am not here just to be a vote to someone but a player who make bold moves.
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6:46 pm
Teo Teody
Overall, i have shown and executed well the 3B's (BRAIN, BRAWN ABD BEAUTY) in this game. As a result, i have made brave and bold moves this season which i believe were the biggest ones like orchestrating blindside of MIGS at final 8&7 (double eviction). A brave move to force a tie at final 6. Being able to socially escape the heat from me at final 5. And win the most important competition of the season - the final immunity challenge, during final 4. With all these great things i have made this season, i hope you grant the biggest award of this game to the person who played the best among the three of us here in the finals and that is me. If you have questions and clarifications, please do not hesitate to address me coz i would absolutely love to answer and clarify any doubts about me and my gameplay. Thank you everyone for a great game and i hope i will not become like Cirie who is the best player (in survivor) not to win.
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