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Map game takes place in 1444 (original EU4 meme), each one of you will be the Captain of a ship headed towards a new continent. At the beginning of the map game, you'll arrive in the new world (wich will be as pic related, not typical americas), and, depending on wich nation you'll choose to serve, you'll have different equipments, bonuses and maluses. Basically, you'll be the leader of a Colony in the new world.

1) In this map game, i'll try to minimize as much as possible the use of numbers and stats in each turn. This means 3 things:
1. Less work for me and for you
2. More freedom in general
3. The most important one: my word is law. Since there are not going to be precise datas, lists of wich resources you have, or the stability of your colony etc. many of the things that will happen will be decided by me via rolls. Obviously i will be impartial and i won't do any type of favoritisms to anyone. That being said, i would love if nobody complains what happens to him/others, even because a map game is not a competitive/fair game, so dont treat it like that.
2) Each turn will happen like this: you'll post a comment in wich you'll write down 4 actions. These actions are infinite, and will influence the way your colony will go on. In the end, you'll make a report to send to your home country in Europe. This will be explained in particular in the 3rd point.
3) The main particular thing in this map game, will be the relationship between your colony and your home country. Being a colony, you'll be a dependent nation of a country in Europe. During the map game, after you have wrote down your 4 actions, you'll literally write down (or at least reassume) a brief report of what has been going on in your colony. Your home country, depending on what you wrote, will react in different ways. For example, if you were to tell the home country that there has been a food shortage in your colony, maybe she will send you more food than usual. You'll also be able to lie to your home country, but in that case she might notice something suspicious, and send punitive expedition against you. So, try not to abuse this too much. In the beginning of the map game, being a little colony that needs to grow up, the home country will help you grow stronger and stronger, but when you'll be rich and strong enough, the home country will start taxing you, imposing tarrifs on you, force you to trade only with who they like etc. Also, if the home country will go to war in Europe against other powers, they might even ask for soldiers, resources or your help in the new continent. Thats why, when and if you will want to, you can try and become indipendent from your home country, probably via an indipendence war. By doing this, you'll lose the protection of the home country and their help in general, but you'll become an indipendent nation. But remember, not only you but also your people must want indipendence. If the home country helps you a lot with goods and resources, people probably will not want to become indipendent. Both options are viable (in both early game and late game), so dont feel the need to revolt or to not to. Its your choice, and it will give you different advantages and disadvantages.
3) After the comments, when ill make next turn (probably after 1 or 2 days, depends how much time it takes), for each single player i'll create a link in wich ill write down in a detailed way how your colony's doing, the problems and whats happening to you in general.
4) Reassuming, a turn might look something like this:
1. I send men to harvest wood in the forest near the north
2. I make a speech in the colony in wich i say...
3. I ask an alliance/declare a war to... (if you're not indipendent, you cant do this without permission)
4. I recruit...
REPORT: I inform my home country of the food shortage that has been going in the colony, i ask for more food and for agricultural tools.

If you want to partecipate, just comment down here with the home country you choose to serve (can be ANY country in Europe during 1444, but choose wisely, cause each country has its pros and cons). Each home country can have only one colony, so dont choose something that has already been picked.
Also, something very important: i'll leave TEN PLAYER SLOTS for this map game, so the first ten comments will participate. Im sorry, but since i want to do the map game like this, having more then 10 players would be madness. If a player leaves, however, feel free to replace him.
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Regards; Team

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