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Chapter 2 - Escape

My bones and muscles ached. I was in so much pain, every time the water would splash against my back my tendons contracted in protest. Every time I tried to move, gravity increased tenfold making it impossible for me to escape. Warm fluids swayed across my back, dripping on the floor below.

"Orrrggggh" I let out involuntarily. I had no control of my body anymore, I was frozen in place.

This is why I hate spas so much.

The masseuse slowly peeled of the towels off my body and patted my back to signal for me to get up.

Although my joints were on the brink of suicide; I managed.

"See Trace'? That wasn't so bad. I dunno why you don't let me do this to you more often. All of my clients beg me to squeeze them in for an appointment".

I straightened up back, drying my hair and face.

"I'm not just one of your ordinary client though Margie. Last time I checked, you aren't allowed to nibble on your clients ear and rub her ass".

Her face blushed almost instantly.

"T-T-That was one time Trace! And we we're also dating at the time. Don't think I invited my Ex to glare at her ass for an hour. I just wanted help out an old friend out".

I got off the table and began grabbing my shirt and pulling it over my head.

"Ah so thats what you call it. I do appreciate you sliding up the towel on my ass, I liked the breeze.

If there was a way for her face to blush any more, she managed to do it.

"W-Whatever, don't blame a girl for trying. I haven't physical contact with another person since you broke up with me for that guy. What was his name again? Kevin was it?"

"Oh yeah, don't worry about him. We sorta broke up," I said, pulling my hair back.

She bounced up and straightened up, looking more interested.

"What happened?"

"He was working undercover for an enemy agency. He had been spying on me and reporting to his agency on a daily basis. I only found out because I overheard him talking to his commander as I walked through the door with groceries. The worst part of it all I overheard him requesting for a cyanide capsule".

"Holy shit. Wow, I'm sorry Trace."

"Nah It's nothing, I immediately wrapped my arms around him and charged towards the window. I forced him to relieve falling down 50 stories down a window by going back in time every time we'd hit the floor. I probably made him relive that fall more times that I'd personally admit was justified."

"Jesus christ Trace, I'll keep that in mind not to double cross you".

I laughed a bit, "Yeah, He was an asshole anyways though".

Margie started folding towels again and stacking them in a shelf.

She paused and looked towards me,

"So, I know you might not have feelings for me anymore I don't wanna be too forward, but do you think we could go somewhere to eat? I know this great Chinese place a few blocks from here that has amazing dumplings. I know they're your favorite!"

"Yea, um.. Sorry marge, I'm gonna have to pass. I'm not ready to get back in a relationship." I said, as I started to swing my backpack over my shoulder.

I could feel the disappointment in Margie from across the room, but it was the truth.
I had been so happy dating Kevin, probably the happiest I had been in a long time. We had plans to get month a couple a months in Southern Africa, with a beautiful vista across the ocean as I wear a pristine bridal dress that my mother had worn. But all of that was ripped away from me within seconds. To know all of this was faked and was just a ploy to get at her, even when she was ready to throw her past away in an attempt to escape for a real life, it hurt more than any bullet could do to her.

"Well uh, Just think about it alright Trace?" She said, with her brow sinking.

"Yeah yeah, of course." I said, feeling sorry.

"Take care Trace, don't do anything insane"

"I can't promise anything" I smirked, but the thought of Kevin still lingered in my head.

I didn't want to gloat over the past for too long. Things could be worse. I could've been a time ghost for all of eternity had it not been for Winston.

"Winston.." I murmured to myself, walking down the sidewalk in the shadow of the Numbani commercial skyscrapers.

Me and him haven't spoke in a couple weeks. He kept sending me messages to try and get my attention, but I was too focused on dealing with my own problems to respond.

I might as well come pay him a visit. He needs all the company he can get.


One of the more prominent Overwatch bases that the team came to operate in was more formally known as "Watchpoint: Gibraltar", a research base that was embedded in a cliffside on the Rock of Gibraltar in the Mediterranean Sea. The research base came with a rocket launching platform to send satalites in orbit around the planet for communication with all members of Overwatch. Gibraltar used to be a hub of all things information and planning, with hundreds of data servers and relays station placed all over the base, its own ship port, and a railway system that would transport global leaders on a daily basis to discuss global issues and threats.

These days though, The rocket platform hasn't seen a sattalite launch in well over a decade. The port has rusted over, having been mostly reclaimed by mother nature. The railway system has long since caved in, due to earthquakes. Even with all of this, this base still had an occupant.


I treaded carefully alongside a worn and beaten path on the side of the rockface. The waves crashed against the rocks, creating a mist of saltwater that enveloped the island with an aroma of the sea. I was 30 feet above the waves, slowly moving across the rock-face in an attempt to reach an old entrance that was a direct route to the lab. I sprang up as I heard a small pebble fall down. Even though i was being careful, the rocks beneath would sometimes give way, kicking up dust and making the path even more difficult to tread through.

I wasn't too afraid of falling off; afterall I could just jump back in time. But that didn't mean I wasn't still scared shitless. This path used to be more defined and had railings. But like everything on this island, it deteriorated.

Backed up against a wall, I slowly tiptoed across a corner on the cliff face expecting to find the secret entrance with a steel staircase that spiraled down to the base, but all I found were the remnants of a support beam and a mound of dirt and rocks.

"Bollocks" I cursed. I would have to walk the whole path and find another way in.

I began doing my ritual of shimmying across the cliff when I heard rotors spinning.

Thats odd, helicopters dont travel this far south.

Then it slowly grew in intensity, getting louder.

I looked around, and saw it. A drone was lowering itself to my level, one of Winston old protection drones that patrol the island. I must've tripped off its sensors.


Panic set into my heart, No one ever told me the 'Base Password'. I used to just enter through the roof helipads, or get accompanied by Soldier 76 when we had to be debriefed.

"Uhm, is it 'Banana'?" I asked.


"Uhhh, 'Tracer-Is-My-Best-Friend-4Ever'?"

'WRONG, ONE MORE TRY AND I WILL OPEN FIRE' It said as internal servos began loading guns

I felt betrayed that wasn't the password.

Alright, please work this time

"Peanut-Butter?" I said, with my voice rising in pitch.


I braced for the incoming hail of bullets, but the drone stated emanating static noise. I heard a bunch of servos begin to move, as the bullets from its casing began to drop into the waters below.

A large feedback followed by rustling of a microphone starting coming out from its stereo.

"Is tha- Is that you Tracer? Oh my god, It is you. Haha! Gosh, I haven't seen you in ages! I thought you had disappeared completely!."

"Of course I wouldn't. I'd have to be 'Bananas' to do that to you". I said, grinning my teeth out.

A large groan came out.

"Yep, that's you alright. Here, I'll deploy a drone to come and take you through the roof".

"That'd be lovely, thanks".

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