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We as the dedicated playerbase of World Of Warcraft, frequently stumble accross countless items that are intentionally put into the game for our amusement, and to put it simply some of these items are just plain weird but you just cannot help but laugh . Today my friends, we are going to be counting down the 10 weirdest and funniest items ever discovered within World of Warcraft.
10. Suppository Preventors
The first item on this list is a pair of pants named Suppository Preventors that are acquired from a horde only quest reward from the quest "It's only poisonous if you ingest it." located in Silverpine Forest. At a first glance you'll think to yourself that this is but another pair of cloth legs that I can use to make my character significantly more powerful. Butt, (laugh) when you dive deeper, (laugh) you'll notice a far more disturbing meaning behind the true use of the pants. If you're unaware what a suppository is you're lucky. But let's just say that these pants bring a whole new meaning to the trade chat troll that most of you know - "Anal." Yup you guessed correctly, these pants are a direct reference to preventing the need of something you basically stick up your butt to heal if something goes dreadfully wrong down there. Gross, yet interesting.
9. Brazie's Dictionary of Devilish Draenei Damsels, Brazie's Notes on Naughty Night Elves, Brazie's Guide to Getting Good with Gnomish Girls
In number 9 we have Brazie's literature, within Ice crown citidael resides a kinky, creepy and weird old gnome which just happens to be level 69, by the name of Brazie who is classified as a regeant seller. But if you look a bit further you'll notice that for 22,000 gold you can buy Brazies, black book of secrets. Which holds within it, Brazies notes on the females of World of Warcraft. Basically porn. Some of the notes include, Brazies dictionary of Devilish Draenei Damsels, Brazies Notes on Naughty Night Elves, and Brazies Guide to Getting Good With Gnomish Girls. I never thought I'd say this but I could really use some pointers on how to get good with the gnomish girls.
8. Big Stick
In number 8 there really isn't much to say about this item, it can be purchased from a variety of vendors throughout azeroth and the outlands and it goes by the name of "Big Stick." What is this big stick you might be wondering to yourself? Nothing more, nothing less, it is literally a big stick. I guess the only real use for this staff is maybe Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle cosplay in game, but besides that it's just a mighty big stick. I do however, only think that the people that will use this are those trying to compensate for something. Like a small attention span or something.
7. Super Simian Sphere
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be Harambe for a short amount of time, neither have I. But in number 7 we have a Super Simian Sphere that is looted from a World drop from various mobs within Northrend. Essentially what it allows you to do is transform yourself into an albino gorrilla and iscolate yourself from the public within a bubble, trying desperately to escape, only to be used as a tourist attraction. This nightmare only lasts for 5 minutes and has a one hour cooldown. Many people believe that this is one of the harder items to farm for so if you manage to stumble upon it, make sure you keep it. Seriously, this unique item has a 0.04% drop rate from random mobs in Northrend so don't lose it.
6. Cue Cue Gloves
Ahh, the art of QQ'ing in number 6 we have a pair of gloves gathered from the horde specific quest "Welcome to the machine" which is a direct reference to Warcraft 2 where individuals found out that if you press Alt, Q, Q you could close both battlenet and the game. Basically a different way of saying you suck, get lost. Perhaps the reason the gloves are called that is because the quest that is required to obtain them makes you roleplay as a quest giver that does nothing, all day apart from give quests. Maybe this is an insight into the lonely lives of quest givers as they themselves want to qq out of the game.
5. A Steamy Romance Novel
If you take the time to explore Pandaria, specifically the Jade Forest and find an elite by the name of Martar, the not so smart, he will endulge you in the "Steamy Romance Novel" 8 part series. At a 16% drop rate this mob has a chance of dropping one of these Novels purely for the readers delight. If you don't know what I'm talking about let me read an extract to enlighten you on how steamy, this really is. And I quote "Their lips met hotly, melting her frost armor spell in a torrent of sweltering vapor." Now if that doesn't make everyone watching this moist then I don't know what will. Although this novel is rather weird what is more weird is the fact that people are actually buying these off of the auction house. Now I'm not one to judge maybe people are just curious as to what Blizzard's PG version of Fifty shades of grey is like.
4. Brazie's Gnomish Pleasure Device
Okay, if you thought this video couldn't get any weirder, you were so, so wrong. In number 4 we go back to Brazie but what could Brazie possibly invent that is more disturbing than World Of Warcraft Porn. Well, there is an item within World of Warcraft named "Brazie's Gnomish Pleasure Device." It is, exactly what you think it is. The description of the item even states "If you get caught with this, I don't know" and according to WoWhead users apparently the use effect text was removed with the Warlords of Draenor pre-patch. What it used to say before it was removed was "Infuses the user with 1,000 megavolts of pure gnomish pleasure." On a 5 second cooldown. If you thought that goblin engineers enjoyed massive explosions, I guess now they aren't alone.
3. Sack of Grain
Have you ever thought to yourself, wouldn't it be nice to own something with so much meaning and something that you can treasure forever. Well this is far from what you're looking for, in number 3 we have a sack of grain. Not just any sack of grain, a sack of grain obtained from the quest "They took me pants" Absolutely meaningless however, it does sell for 25g to a vendor so it must be a substantial amount of grain. You're probably thinking to yourself right now, yeah this is pretty normal. Well that's where you're wrong during the quest the, the questgiver Bahrum Forgehammer actually uses the Sack of grain as a pair of pants, so as it turns out the sack of grain isn't the only sack you're getting by completing this quest.
2. Steelscale Crushfish
You've all seen them before, there's no denying that but in number 2 we have the steelscale Crushfish, a rare weapon obtainable from the multiple fishing spots around azeroth such as Stranglethorn, Wetlands, Hillsbrad Foothills and Ashenvale, this weapon is no ordinary weapon, it is a fish. A fish you hold in your dominant hand that is used to destroy and more importantly humiliate your opponents. Who doesn't want to own a fish that they can slap their opponents accross the face with. I'm not sure what the intentions of blizzards was or what they were smoking to make the decision to add this into the game, and for me personally I don't mind. I'm patiently awaiting the day that blizzard decide to make this weapon transmoggable. Until then, it's just a silly old rare fish that sells for 20,000 gold on the auction house.
1. Big Bag of Poop
Finally the one you've all been patiently awaiting, the weirdest item in all of World of Warcraft. There is no possible way you could have guessed it, actually you probably can it has a distinct smell. That's right the weirdest item is a Big bag of Poop. This is an item avaliable in World of Warcraft as a quest item for the quest "pooped" which basically requires you to kill siftworms and collect the poop that they've eaten, I mean what is there not to love about it. It's slightly rare, it's collectable, it's poop. Yeah I don't understand why this is an item. It's kind of sad, knowing that we have defeated illidan, the lich king, death wing,garrosh hellscream and we actually at one point in our time playing World of Warcraft, cleaned up poop. Talk about degradation.
Well my friends, that is going to conclude the video for today, I genuinely hope you all did enjoy the video or even found it interesting, if you did leave a like down below and subscribe if you're new or even returning. Check the description below for more in depth descriptions on what these items are and how they are obtained. Once again, thank you for all of your support this has been warcraftbible stay devoted.
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