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1) The camp you asked for is built. Altough it's an archaic build, it will serve its purpose.
2) The men you sent exploring the surroundings come back from the expedition. They inform you that the territory surrounding the colony is basically prive of any vegetation besides grass and bushes. However, the lack of any source of wood is compensated with the amount of wild horses roaming in the zone.
3) The men you sent hunting come back with just some little animals. They saw horses, but couldnt catch them, without having any way to get close without being seen or run after them.
4) Altough the climate is not the best for agriculture, your men manage to build a little cornfield. It's not gonna be enough to sustain the whole colony, but it will help.

A ship from Europe approaches. It contains the wood and food you asked for, plus a letter from His Majesty. In it, he asks you to start the construction of houses and shelters to prepare for the arrival of new colonists from the Old World.
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