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Nama : Adelfio Shauqi al-Jorrel
Kelas : XI

✿ Rangkuman ✿

1. E X P R E S S I O N

is the act of saying from what you think or showing how you feel using words or actions.

① Satifaction dan Dissatisfaction.
Ini adalah salah satu ekspresi yang biasanya terdapat pada macam-macam teks. Contohnya narative, report dan percakapan-percakapan umunya.

macam-macam expression satifaction dan dissatisfaction:
☛Asking about satisfaction
- how do you like your room?
- is everything O.K ?
- is everything satisfactory ?
- are you satisfied?
☛Asking about dissatisfaction
- Do you want to complain about something?
- Was something not to your satisfaction ?
- Are you dissatisfied with something?
- Did you find our service satisfactory?
☛Expressing satisfaction
- I'm satisfied with ...
- I'm satisfied at ...
- I'm glad with what you've done.
- It's really satisfying.
- Everything was satisfying.
☛Expressing Dissatisfaction
- I'm not satisfied with ...
- It isn't very nice.
- It's really not good enough.
- I'm dissatisfied by ...
- It's dissatisfying.
- Oh no.

❀ Example satisfaction in diaog:

Agnes : How's your vacation in Bali?
Made : It was terrific! The beaches are beautiful and the sun set from Tanah Lot is satisfying.
Agnes : Really? What else did you do there?
Made : Oh, I went parasailing! It was the most breath-taking thing that I've ever done.
Agnes : Wow, it must be very fun trip for you.
Made : Yes, I'm very satisfied with my vacation there. You must go there.
Agnes : Yes, I think I'll do that.

❀ Example dissatisfaction in dialog:

Ando : Ratna, I thought you were on vacation.
Ratna : Well, I got back early.
Ando : Why?
Ratna : Well, I didn't really enjoy being there.
Ando : What happened?
Ratna : Well, the beach was very dirty, and when I got there it was raining heavily. What make it worse was the hotel where I stay had a bad service
Ando : You seem to be unhappy with your vacation
Ratna : Yes, I'm quite displeased about it.
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