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Weren't Soda and Steve planning a party after
the rumble? page 109

Not like Darry--- Soda's movie-star
kind of handsome, the kind that people stop on the street to watch go by. page 8

"I think I'm gonna marry Sandy. After she gets out of school and I get a better job
and everything. I might wait till you get out of school, though. So I can still help Darry
with the bills and stuff." page 16

"I am a greaser," Sodapop chanted. "I am a JD and a hood. I blacken the name of
our fair city. I beat up people. I rob gas stations. I am a menace to society. Man, do I have
fun!" page 116

Neither of us had realized what it was doing to
Soda to hear us fight. I was sick and cold with shame. What he said was the truth. Darry
and I did play tug of war with him, with never a thought to how much it was hurting 149

He and Soda worked at the same gas station--- Steve part time
and Soda full time--- and their station got more customers than any other in town. page 9

I leaped up and ran for the door, but it was already open and Soda had me in a
bear hug and was swinging me around. I was so glad to see him I could have bawled.
Finally he set me down and looked at me. He pushed my hair back. "Oh, Ponyboy, your
hair... your tuff, tuff hair..." page 83

"He cried every night that week you were gone," Darry said slowly. "Both you
and Sandy in the same week." He put the envelope down. "Come on, let's go after him." page 149

"Don't be like that, kid. I told you he don't mean half of what he says.." page 18

'When he was thirteen. Why? You figgerin' on growing a beard for the rumble?" page 112

"I don't know." He looked at me, puzzled. "It's action. It's a contest. Like a drag
race or a dance or something." page 113

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