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2. Roanoke Colony- failed as the first sustained contact between the English and natives,relations with the local tribes quickly soured and turned violent

4. Joint Stock Company- early form of a modern cooperation that allowed them to sell shares of stock in their company which they they used their investment

6. Christianity vs. profits- profits in the early years proved exclusive, Virginia Company of London began with a concern for bringing Christian religion to the Natives because of their lifestyle

8. trouble with enslavement of the natives- Virginians couldn’t make 20,000 Powhatan Indians into a slave labor force, because they didn’t bring an army or conquistadors

10. Virginia Company of London- merchants poured more money and settlers into the venture, understanding the need of farmers, enticed new settlers by promising free land at the end of seven years of labor

12. Tobacco- spread rapidly, allowed a sufficient profit for settlers in Jamestown, by 1624 Virginia was exporting 200,000 pounds, required various stages of planting, weeding, thinning, suckering, worming, cutting, curing and packing, farmers were recruited immagrants from Europe

14. Life on an Indentured Servants- usually did the harsh work that there masters made them do, but usually diseases would kill them, masters bought and sold servants as if they were land,

16. Good Friday, 1622- Powhatan retired and it was passed down to Opechancanough, he than created and army and enforced an all out attack on the English, one quarter of the population fell

18. George Clavert- an English nobleman that designed and promoted Virginia’s Chesapeake neighbor, received a huge grant of land in Newfoundland in 1628, James the I three years later elevated him to the peerage of Lord Baltimore

20. Purpose of Maryland colony- was named after the king’s Catholic wife, Terra Maria (Henrietta Maria was her name), which meant in English, Maryland, wanted it to be a Catholic colony, but it was then quickly overwhelmed by Protestants

22. Complex family structure and the reasons- children barely grew up with both parents and grandparents were almost unknown, widowed women were prized and quickly remarried, which then made complex family structures with stepchildren and half sisters and borthers

24. Puritanism- would powerfully affect the nation’s history, especially in planting the seeds of a belief in America’s special mission in the world, represented a visionary attempt to banish diversity on a continent where the arrival of streams and immigrants from around the globe was destined to become a primary phenomenon

26. Puritans “work ethic”- wanted to find people that hoped to find a religion so they followed the Puritan movement

28. Puritan’s challenge King James I- the Puritans occupied hundreds of churches and gained control of several colleges, James then harassed them removing dozens of Puritan ministers from their pulpits

30. Pilgrims/Separatists- arrived in Plymouth in 1620, arrived at the northern tip of Cap Code, were weakened from the nine week voyage and ill-prepare for the harsh winter,by spring, half of the Mayflower passengers were dead

32. William Bradford- survivor of the Mayflower, erupted with local Indians, whom he considered “savage and brutish men”

34. Puritan Utopia/ “City on a Hill” and goals- Massachusetts Bay Colony, based off of fishing, timbering, and trading for beaver furs with local Indians, turned it into a government and transferred the charter to New England
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