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Chapter 2 Non-Trad Nash
John Mason:
Was part of John Warham flock, puritan minister
Knew that it wasn’t an “errand Wilderness”, in 1636 went to massachusetts and founded the town of Windsor in massachusetts.
May 26, 1637 “Captain Mason”commanded hundreds of men to connecticut river towns area, english slipped into town and burned wigwams (plus people), and killed noncombatants too.
Gave praise to God
King James 1
Chartered the first permanent english colony in North America as a joint-stock company (early stock sharing corporation that sold stocks and pooled money for overseas expeditions)
Was concerned to bring christian religion to native people
Jamestown Colony
Was hampered by common assumption that englishmen could “exploit” the indians of the region
Was filled with “unproductive” settlers who were unskilled
Tried to use cortes and pizarro effect on enslaving indians (didn’t work)
John Smith
Had military experience in eastern europe,
Led jamestown colony and did not agree approve of the way that england acted as a christian faith spreading mission when “all their aim was profit”.
Helped jamestown colony by bringing corn to the starving colony, then turned bitter after John Smith
John Smith raided Indian corn supplies and tried to co the tribes by showing force
Powhatan withdrew from trade with the english and sniped at their flasks, hence causing the “starving times” of the first years
Francis Drake
Brought a boatload of “jovial weed” to the west Indies in 1586
Causing a long history of tobacco addiction among europeans
Indentured servant
Were servants that took care of “sot weed” by weeding, thinning, cutting, curing and packaging
Planters recruited immigrants from England, Ireland and a scattering from Sweden, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Turkey and Poland
Workers sold their working lives for a passage passage across the atlantic
Nearly 3 quarters were male, most were between 15-14 years old
Many came from armies, were unemployed, orphans, political prisoners or common criminals that had one last chance in the low rungs of society
Pochahontas and John Rolfe
In 1614 there was an arranged marriage of fabled pocahontas and the planter John Rolfe
Didn’t really work because the english really were pushed to get more tobacco, so the powhatans thought there might be some bloody contact latter on
New Indian Policy (“perpetual enmity”)
King stated to “root out the Indians from being any longer a people” and caused them to adopt a policy of annual military expeditions to native villages (west and north) coast the english (“Flood of Blood”)
In 1622 it Justified the perpetual “enmity policy”, even though many indian attacks were because of english dealings with them
King Charles 1
1632 king James’s son Charles granted George Calvert (English nobleman, promoted Virginia's Chesapeake neighbor, royal family ties) a more hospitable domain of 10 million acres
Named it terra Maria after the king's catholic wife (aka Maryland)
Chesapeake Daily Life
Only the minority could expect to marry and rear a family,
3 times more men than women
Men and widowed women would remarry quickly
Vulnerability of pregnant women to malaria terminated marriages and half the children would die before reaching adulthood
Diversity among houses in the colonies
First house consisted off clapboard houses into timber frame substantial duelings by the 1680’s
William Boardman house build around 1687 was “ well build”shows a typical arrangement of space,(cooking, eating, working and socializing)
Another house typically reconstructed tobacco planters house ( same features as Boardman house, the house had less privacy and comfort than the Boardman’s , build chimney of modern wood and unfinished planking.
Phases of homebuilding and social and economic history of the society were closely interwoven.
Puritan criticism of the church
Rather than reform the church of England, puritan left it. They fled from England to Amsterdam in 1608
Finally in 1620, they arrived in North America.
Left because wanted to be left alone to realize “ their radical vision of pure and primitive life”
Puritan goals
They had utopian goals
They had self mission to create communities of pure christians, who collectively sword a covenant with God to work for his ends.
King Charles I, fights back
Worsened situation for puritans by summoning a new parliament in england which one year later adjourned the puritan body of people
Appointed william laud the bishop on england (hated puritans)
Plymouth 1620
Pilgrims (outnumbered by non pilgrims) arrived at cape cod in 1620 where they started a new life, away from england
John Winthrop
Was one of the lesser english gentry that joined that puritan movement (1620’s)
Was one of the massachusetts bay colony’s main leader for many years
Massachusetts bay colony accomplishments
Flourished (at first) puritans built sound economy based on agriculture, fishing, timbering and trading with Indians (beaver furs)
Transformed commercial charter into rudimentary gov.
Established first printing press in english colonies, also planted seeds for a university (harvard college)
Established elementary schools in every town
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