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Why Do We Study History?

1. History helps us uncover the present and future.
You can't create the Future if you've never seen the Past. You can't get one without the other. History teaches us about our Past and what got us to our present. Who knows? Maybe you could be the new President of America? Or maybe stop the ISIS? Possibly fight for Women's rights? This ALL could happen of you know History. History will lead you there. History is your compass.

2. History is inspiring.
We all know those in History who helped save our countries, and those who caused War. History inspires us to be like them. John Hanson became the first black president of America. Inspiring? Maybe not to you, but to those other "Colored" Kids in the US/Around the world. Malala fought for women's education and even built a school for Syrian refugee girls. See? Many people can change the world. Doesn't matter who, as long as they take the shot, and they inspire others, like me.

3. History helps us understand Society and Change today.
Have you ever been in that moment where the people you are hanging out with are talking about something you don't understand/know? Have they ever mentioned a bad guy who did something cruel to the people he hated and you just don't know who he is? What's your source of answer? History. History helps us understand the world today. Why are the ISIS attacking? Why were there two world wars, and now there might be more? Why are we traveling by cars? So many questions. History can solve these. To be honest I never knew who Hitler was until I read a book about him 10 months ago. He is History.

4. History teaches us.
As much as some people hate learning, History teaches us. It teaches us lessons. For an ex: World war one and two taught us how small events can lead to larger situations. History isn't just Books, people and stories. It's about Life. Life lessons are taught in History. Things that will make us wiser and not make the same mistakes as our Ancestors did. Helps all of us become more powerful, and leads on. History is passing on work that has been started a century ago into new generations until it helps our world.

5. History can help the world.
You can't live forever, you know? If there is something you're trying to do, and you can't get it done in time, what are you going to do? Wait? No! You're probably going to make someone do it for you, or help you. This is History. Our ancestors have started something cool. They've planted the root of it. They've came up with the idea. They passed it on until someone finished it. It starts out as an idea, then a plan, work, until, it's something that helps the world. It becomes an invention. Many famous people have continued their ancestor's work until it became something. It's all because of History.

See? History can be something more than just Books and people. It can be your destination ticket to success. Who knows? Only you can choose your road. You'll laugh an cry. You'll struggle and fall. But guess what? You'll make it, as long as you don't give up and believe in yourself. Anything's possible if you've got enough Nerve. How would you want to end up in History? It's all in your hands.
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