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These are the rules and regulations to qualify in KGB(Kingdom Of Great Britain)

Section I- Punctuation and Grammar

1. Grammar is to be used at all times, even when there is nothing important.
2. No acronyms such as,"Lol, XD, Lmao.
3. The only time when you are allowed to use acronyms are when you are going to include, High Rank, Low Rank, Middle Rank, and High Class in your sentence, using "KGB" is fine.
4. Acronyms will not be used for name, just shorten the name such as,"Turlestrunks," could be shortened to "Turles."

Section II- Uniforms

1. Use the uniform assigned to your rank.
2. ONLY, use your regiment uniform in terms of lbs or if an HR allows it.
3. Most hat's are acceptable.

Section III- Admin

1. The selection of permitted admin commands are, :clone,:h,:m,:setmessage,:kick,:bring,:fly,:give,:afk,:ff,!ping,!keybind,:music,:clogs or :chatlogs,:logs,and :god.
2. Do not abuse your admin permission or you will be demoted once
failed to follow the rule and you will demoted twice, fail to respect it then and you will be exiled and banned.

Section IV- Trainings, LBS, and PRS

1. Trainings will be commenced with four soldiers attending.
2. There are four steps in training, faces, range, and melee.
3. There will be exceptions given of this training procedure to certain regiments.
4. Rifles are only allowed in PRS and LBS and will only be accessed by certain regiments soon.
5. Pistols will only be obtained as an officer soon.
6. In Line Battles, if your commander orders you to form a line, you CANNOT move out of the line while shooting unless it is for bayonet charging.
7. Sabers will soon only be obtained by officers.

Section V- Team Rules

1. All teammates are to treat each other with respect.
2. There will be no team killing(TKing) or there will be serious consequences.
3. Do not fake of being in a certain regiment for an excuse to use equipment because we will check.
4. Stay near your squad, team, group, whatever you want to call it, unless an officer or your commander tells you to move to a different group of to split up.

Section VI- Raids and Defending from Raids
1. Regiment uniform in these situations are not required but can be used.
2. No KGB member is to be seen as a raider without permission.
3. There is no spawn killing in raids, if a teammate of either side is seen spawn-killing then he/she will be kicked or banned depending on amount of repetition.
4. Rifles only allowed in certain regiments.
5. Pistols are not allowed in prs and raids, were not training you to be just an excellent close ranger.

Section VII- Miranda Rights
These are the rules and regulations to qualify in KGB

Section I- Punctuation and Grammar

1. Grammar is to be used at all times, even when there is nothing important.
2. No acronyms such as,"Lol, XD, Lmao.
3. The only time when you are allowed to use acronyms are when you are going to include, High Rank, Low Rank, Middle Rank, and High Class in your sentence, using "KGB" is fine.
4. Acronyms will not be used for name, just shorten the name such as,"Turlestrunks," could be shortened to "Turles."

Section II- Uniforms

1. Use the uniform assigned to your rank.
2. ONLY, use your regiment uniform in terms of lbs or if an HR allows it.
3. Most hat's are acceptable.

Section III- Admin

1. The selection of permitted admin commands are, :clone,:h,:m,:setmessage,:kick,:bring,:fly,:give,:afk,:ff,!ping,!keybind,:music,:clogs or :chatlogs,:logs,and :god.
2. Do not abuse your admin permission or you will be demoted once
failed to follow the rule and you will demoted twice, fail to respect it then and you will be exiled and banned.

Section IV- Trainings, LBS, and PRS

1. Trainings will be commenced with four soldiers attending.
2. There are four steps in training, faces, range, and melee.
3. There will be exceptions given of this training procedure to certain regiments.
4. Rifles are only allowed in PRS and LBS and will only be accessed by certain regiments soon.
5. Pistols will only be obtained as an officer soon.
6. In Line Battles, if your commander orders you to form a line, you CANNOT move out of the line while shooting unless it is for bayonet charging.
7. Sabers will soon only be obtained by officers.

Section V- Team Rules

1. All teammates are to treat each other with respect.
2. There will be no team killing(TKing) or there will be serious consequences.
3. Do not fake of being in a certain regiment for an excuse to use equipment because we will check.
4. Stay near your squad, team, group, whatever you want to call it, unless an officer or your commander tells you to move to a different group of to split up.

Section VI- Raids and Defending from Raids
1. Regiment uniform in these situations are not required but can be used.
2. No KGB member is to be seen as a raider without permission.
3. There is no spawn killing in raids, if a teammate of either side is seen spawn-killing then he/she will be kicked or banned depending on amount of repetition.
4. Rifles only allowed in certain regiments.
5. Pistols are not allowed in prs and raids, were not training you to be just an excellent close ranger.

Section VII- Miranda Rights

These are your rights if your crime has been brought to the attention of an officer.
You do not have to pay for an attorney for one will always be given for you.

1. You have the right to remain silent.

Silence cannot be used against defendants in court. However, there is a term known as “Pre-Miranda” silence, which occurs when a suspect has not be read his or her Miranda Rights and still remains silent. In that case, silence can be seen as unusual and suspect. Suspects who state something like “my attorney has always told me not to give statements without him present,” may avoid the negative consequences of refusing to speak.

2. Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law.

All suspects have the right to remain silent. Those who give up that right face the prospect that their statements will be used against them in court. This can be tricky, as many times the only evidence against a defendant is a confession. Defense lawyers contend that many innocent suspects, intimidated by arrest and interrogation, may speak to police without realizing the danger.

3. You have the right to have an attorney present.

This gives a suspect the right to have legal counsel present at the time of the interrogation. A suspect must be clearly informed that he or she has the right to consult with an attorney and have an attorney present before answering any questions by police. If the police try to question a suspect after an arrest, they must stop the interrogation if the suspect requests an attorney.

4. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you.

In order to make sure a person being interrogated has a clear understanding of his or her rights, the suspect must be told that a lawyer will be appointed without charge if needed. Without this additional advisory, the caution of the right to consult with an attorney could be misunderstood, and rendered meaningless

Section VIII- Consequences

1. Rule(s) are(is) broken
Officer reports the incident Officer handles the incident(something like
/ admin abuse, or using un-permitted equipment

The incident is reported to_____ The rule breaker is given a
high class. light punishment
The problem is taken to The incident reoccurs or something else
court.(IN DEV) ____ happens.
The problem is discussed
by the judge and jury.
After the punishment is decided
the victim can either be punished with
severe demotion, exile and ban, and community
The King will take attendance and write the names of the
judge, the witnesses, the lawyers, and the jury. This process is to ensure
at least enough information will be recalled if the case is decided to be re-opened.
The case is either closed, left open for further investigation, or re-opened.

The steps are repeated with a different
person or thee if the case is re-opened.

Section IX- Civilians
1. Civilians are to avoid being near the fort for they will be shot on sight.
2. Civilians may only a very weak pistol that will currently be in dev for self defense, and a dagger.
3. Any civilian disobeying the law will be required to attend the case in court.
4. The Miranda rights apply to everyone.
5. Attacking any one of military class and rank is a crime and will be taken to court.
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Regards; Team

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