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Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate

When the cat was introduced it made me think a new main character was being introduced. I wondered how this would effect the story and the characters. I didn't know what to except it smelled like a cat although the mysterious figure had fingers. I tried imagining what Michael felt like during this encounter. I wondered if Michael was scared or excited. I couldn't stop thinking about why Michael didn't try to say anything. What urged me to read this book was i didn't know if this was a human or a large animal.

The book is funny because even though they dont have much they find creative ways to play,such as throwing cereal in hats. This story tells you how important friendship is. BY being able to discuss your feelings to your friends. The hardship of Michael's life was his family not being able to afford clothing or rent. When his family couldn't afford the rent they had to live in a van. The book teaches you the value of appreciating the things you have. Even though his family had hardships he felt lucky cause the van had lots of room and he wasn't sleeping on the street.

In my opinion the most important part of the book is when Michael met Crenshaw. Crenshaw helped him with expressing his feelings. He came into Michael's life when he needed him most. Even though Crenshaw was imaginary the timing of him coming into Michael's life was perfect. It was a time Michael really needed him. Crenshaw advised Michael to tell the truth to the people that matter most. Imaginary friends never fade away they appear in times of need.

I learned from the book that friendships are important because they guide u through life. Examples of this is when Crenshaw helped Michael express his feelings. Love is very important to get through difficult times in life.Never give up and always do your best.We should appreciate the life that we have and be grateful for a nice home and family.Money and a job are important since unemployment makes life horrible.Working together gets you through tough times.Making good choices lead to a better life.

I chose this picture because this represents when Crenshaw gets the purple jelly beans. Crenshaw and Micheal both loved purple jelly beans.This is the first way they bonded.I loved how this was Micheal's very first friend and when they met they immediately bonded.I felt like this was a very important main event that changed the story.By Micheal being able to express his feelings,while the cat gave him advise. This is when they first started being best friends.
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