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Unending BE: Slutty Female Outfit Curse: Tang's Wild Side [episode 1196950]
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Unending BE: Slutty Female Outfit Curse: Tang's Wild Side Unending BE: Slutty Female Outfit Curse: Tang's Wild Side
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Unending BE: Slutty Female Outfit Curse: Tang's Wild Side
Slutty Female Outfit Curse: Tang's Wild Side

Unending BE - episode 1196950

"No. NO!" Shocked and embarrassed, Maggie struggled to cover herself for modesty. "This can't be real!" She turned to run back to her house when she felt a hand clutch her arm.

"Aw, come on now, Mrs. Tang!" Jane's new country western drawl even made her sound like a slut. "Ya just got here!"

"Jane's right, Maggie." The slutty nurse that was Gertrude took Maggie's other arm. Mother and daughter began to pull her inside. "As a medical professional, you should really let me examine you."

Maggie tried to struggle free, but shocked to her core and feeling unbalanced in her stiletto heels, she couldn't fight off the two sluts as they dragged her into their house. "Let me go!"

Inside, the Millers dragged Maggie to their living room couch and forced their unwilling guest to sit in the middle as they took seats beside her; Gertrude to the left and Jane to the right. They each stroked Maggie's fishnet-clad thighs and nibbled at her ears.

"'re such a slut!" Jane purred. "Ya charge much?"

"I'm not a slut!" Maggie insisted. "And I'm not a whore!" Her body began to grow uncomfortably warm at her denials.

"But the way you're dressed?" Gertrude mocked offense. "You look more like a streetwalker than a housewife. You just love to advertise, don't you?"

Maggie shifted in her seat. The way the Millers stroked her thighs felt electric as unwelcome needs stirred within. "I don't advertise! I...I'm not a whore, I...oooh..." Her crotch grew warm and damp. "P-Please! Whatever you're doing, stop!"

"But why should we, Mrs. Tang?" Jane giggled. "I bet ya offer a lot of men a taste of your tang, don't ya? Do ya talk like one of those Asian sluts in old movies?"

Maggie glared at Jane. " dare you! I'd never! I...mean..." Visions filled her dizzied mind. Visions of escorting men to cheap hotel rooms as she babbled like a stereotype. Me rove rong time! More dollah, mmore Bang Tang!

Gertrude smiled as she tweaked one of Maggie's stiffened nipples through her tube top. "My daughter is full of wonderful ideas, isn't she? But you know, women our age need to stick together. Can't let our daughters have all the hot young studs out there. Isn't that right, you horny slut?"

"N-No!" Maggie's vagina pulsed. "I mean y--No!"

Her slit ached. "Ye--No! NO! Please!"

Her pussy juices flowed. "Yes...NO! NO! NO! Nnnnng...."

Jane and Gertrude smiled at each other, and then whispered together in Maggie's ears.


"YES!" Maggie cried out, her old senses of moral decency melting away in the heat of her slutty, whorish needs. She came right then and there, staining the Millers' couch with her juices as she gave in. "Oh yes! "Tang need bang! Tang rove bang!" She gazed at Gertrude through now heavily made-up eyes, with dark violet eye shadow and thick, dark mascara. "Mmm...thank you, Gertrude!" She leaned in and kissed the slutty nurse, sharing her tongue as Gertrude's own danced against it. She broke the kiss and turned to the young cowgirl slut. "And you too, Jane!" She shared a deep, passionate, and above all slutty kiss with her.

"Feel better?" Gertrude asked.

Maggie broke the second kiss, her lips now coated in a dark violet lipstick. She turned to Gertrude. "Much, much better!"
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