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AJ: thank you for calling blooming dale's this is aj, how may I help you today?

Ems: hi AJ, I wanted to buy a watch for myself as a birthday gift, I already browsed at your store and I know what I want to buy, the problem is I'm too lazy to read the shipping details, its easier if someone would explain it to me. can you do that for me?

AJ: It would be my pleasure to help you, but may I know your name first so I can address you properly?

Ems: Yes, it's ems..

AJ: Hi Ems, may I know what's the web ID of the product you would like to buy?

Ems: the web ID is 1505388

AJ: thank you for that information I can see from my end that it's a fit bit surge smart watch.

Ems: Yes it is, since I am not getting any younger, I am trying to be fit, and I think this watch can help me monitor my lifestyle.

AJ: that's great. are you ready to order this item, ems?

Ems: Yes I am, but can you explain to me the delivery so I know when to wait.

AJ: Ok Ems, here's the deal... Since your item is qualified, it will be delivered for you for free through our standard delivery method, it will arrive around 3-6 business days. Will that be ok with you?

Ems: yes it would be fine but if there's a faster way for me to get it.

AJ: Well, we also have premium delivery that may cost you additional $7 and you will receive it 2-3 business days or the express delivery that costs additional $13 and you will receive it 1-2 business days. We also have same day delivery which may cost you additional $5 and you will receive your item on the same day you ordered it but this is only limited to the availability of the product and your location.

Ems: I'll go for the same day delivery.

AJ: Ok that is noted, to check if your qualified may I have your complete name and address so that I can process your order?

Ems: Yes, its Emysue Mae Ballares and my address is 143 N. Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois. zip code is 60602.

AJ: thank you for that information Ems. You say you're from Chicago, Illinois which makes you qualified for the same day delivery. just a recap, you're ordering Fit bit surge smart watch and you want it to be delivered on the same day, am I correct?

Ems: yes.

AJ: how do you want this to be paid?

Ems: COD please
AJ: Ok ems, your order is already processed, expect your item today. will there be anything else I can help you with?

Ems: No aj, you have helped me a lot. thanks.

AJ: thank you for calling blooming dale's, should you have any more concern you can call us anytime at 1-800-777-0000 have a good day, Ems, and enjoy your smart watch! :)
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