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Syndra game:

Masteries: I like Opressor a lot more on champs with cc then bounty hunter. the later is just "win more" and does not help you win, cookies are also very good in mid lane because sustain is seldom part of any midlane champ and therefore the champ with more health through cookies wins most of the time

Runes: Your runes are fine, although they are pretty "cocky". pros play this a lot because its again a "win more" thing. With the additional AP you can dominate your lane hard when your are winning. On the same page you have basically 0 wiggle room to work with. If you make mistakes you will likely lose the lane hard. Maybe try something a bit more defensive like AP Quints, MPen Marks, MR blues and armor or scal health yellows.

Game start: Your items are fine. Try starting with W though (also level your ability when the lane starts and not right away! There might be an invade and you might need to use E or soemthing). W start is "better" because you get push advantage and its easier to hit on the oponent than the q while doing similiar dmg. Maxing Q afterwards is fine but lvl 1 W is superior to Q imo

Early Lane: You do well on the harass and the lane. If you keep this up, you will have a good time on syndra. Dont lose cs for it though.

First Death: you have to keep your enemy in mind. Lee is strong early and will look for ganks from lvl 2 onwards. you have your trinket! Use it! cover one of the brushes towards river and play to that side. Also: You harass well but you back out after he drops his combo. You should not get stunned but if you do, he has everything on cd. Trade back! If he loads everything and you just back out, he wins straight out

Csing: Well you are prolly new to Syndra but you have to train your csing. You are behind in cs super early and not because of your death. You miss easy cs and ruin your cs with spells. Go into custom games and train csing in lane AND under tower to learn the patterns. Watch videos of pros laning with Syndra and focus on how they prepare cs to not miss them. Never give up CS for harass if its not a SUPER onesided trade. Trade when your minions are low and farm when his are low!

What is your item plan? Veigar is notorious for his burst. Syndra is fine with an abyssal first and you are behind anyway. Morello is greedy and you pay for it when he gets 6! If you have negatron instead, you can stilll farm savely and he can not kill you. abyssal will give you enough dmg to all in him with your jungle. Mid lane is easily tiltable in one way. If you are 1-2 kills behind and a lot of cs as well it unlikely to kill him straight out. Focus even more on cs and surving, ward up and call for help, dont go for anything risky. It is seldom worth it. Your bot and top is winning. You job is to not feed veigar kills and go as even as you can. If you go for risky stuff he will punish you and you lose the game for your team. Let your self get carried!

minute 11 you go for a fight with him again without any reason. Stand back, farm as good as you can and build defensive. 0 reason to fight

midgame: You are too far behind to play so far up. I know it sucks to constantly be careful but that is what you need to do here. stand back, peel for ez and hope he can kill them all. Instead you try to waveclear while veigar is in cage range or go through bard portals into dark theritory :) Although you get oneshotted by veigar (without ult!) and poppy you dont build a defensive item.

conclusion: Dont play cocky, cs before harass, build defensive when behind and especially against a veigar as an AP mid, play save and peel for the strong people, let yourself get carried instead of trying to win a lost lane

btw: did your really flash to kill the minion in the fountain? :D
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