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Hello Valve Employee,
My name is Eli (Steam Id: ) and i have been wrongfully vac banned. I understand that you may not believe me and i can understand but please at least try and see my side. First off, i would like to explain that i have actually never cheated in a video game before (Hacking Wise) I know you may be believe this but i swear on my whole family that that is true. My vac ban is for Black Ops 2, and here's the story: One night when i was playing Bo2 with some mates, we got into a game with a hacker (This is really true!) and he started to cheat in SnD (I think that is what we were playing) and we ended up leaving because he was camping us to the max. The next day i jump on steam and not only me but my friend (who was in the game with the hacker) got a vac ban, Supposedly for cheating. I Am still to this day really upset by this and how big companies like Valve can let this happen (No offense) I know that the Ban was over 400 days ago but since that day i have always been trying to talk to someone about this false vac, But they all just label me as a cheater., but i swear on literally ever thing i own even my cats, that this is the honest truth and nothing but the truth. You may not believe me but please be aware of this sham so other people can not be banned like this. Please just at least look into this a little and realize that i am not lying. If you really think that i was cheating (which i was not, seriously) please try and find some proof that i was 'cheating' and ill accept it, But to this day i am still very sad that i am Vacced, if you check the "logs" i only got the game that week and only had like 30hrs play time.

If you read the whole thing, thank you so much and please do justice

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Regards; Team

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