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My dear Matteo,

Room: somewhere near a forest, in Germany. 4th floor - the water is boiling in the kitchen.
Girl: laying on the bed, in a red bathrobe, laptop on her legs. Suddenly she left the small room to add some mint and honey to the water.

Sounds: students outside chatting in at least 4 languages, crickets, a plane somewhere far away.

Senses: a smooth feeling on my body, the robe is comfortable, the laptop warms my legs, feeling a bit of tiredness because of the 5 hours slept at night. Tonight I will rest as much as my body wants.
Feelings: (paused for 20 seconds) - inexplicable to be put now in words and online messages.

Paused 5 minutes and a half to listen to Circle Traps - Fjord. While sipping mint tea. Listening it at the exact moment 20:17:56 - thinking about S-Bahns, people rushing on Warschauer Strasse, me coming out of the U-Bahn on Tempelhof and climbing the stairways while looking in the crowd. I see a woman with beautiful eyes, she seems happy. A man is rushing though the doors of the U-Bahn that is closing rapidly : Zurück bleiben, bitte! Echoes in the underground.

20:19:45 - standing up to finally take my tea to bed. I do not have yet a nightstand, therefore I use a small suitcase. I have 2 books, one of which is written by Patrick Süskind. Süß means sweet in German. I am craving something sweet, adding a half of little spoon of honey extra to my tea.

The song fits with the motion of Berlin, with the idea of Berlin, metallic and a bit cold, yet energetic- forever in motion and transformation.

20:27:46 slowly sipping my tea. my robe is loosely opening itself, my breasts are uncovered.

Happiness. Happiness is for me a beautiful sunset. Sun on my face - the kind of sun that it is hot, but accompanied by a warm wind that refreshes your face. Happiness is spelling out sentences from a new book in Spanish and being so grateful to be able to comprehend the words. Happiness e Fericire. Happiness is that golden ray of light that you saw in the photo this evening. Happiness is that sensual feeling that you have when the lips of your partner touches your neck and your shoulder.

Sipping some more tea. The mug has Paris on it. My memories in Paris, those nights spent in April cannot be summarized here - i would need chapters and long conversations over wine while kissing your eyes from time to time.
Paris - walking on the streets near the river, a beautiful time in spring - blue sky, a coffee sitting outside, the feeling of youth and love. Paris. Eating lunch on a bench in Jardin du Luxembourg - talking with strangers on the street that approach you in the morning to say "Bon appetit, mademoiselle! Ça va?" Paris is also the old lady where I stayed at, the aunt of a Polish friend. She was an extraordinary woman, full of life, coquette, 70 years old, loved life and red wine and she waited us with a plate of 10 different types of cheese and baguette, bien sûr. Paris was also her- in all her beauty. She passed away in June, in 2 months since I have last seen her she disappeared. Subito. Subit (Romanian for subito)

On "making love with the perfect song and for a deeper explaination of how we keep the features of the language we speak" I will dedicate another message, there are so many thoughts now in my mind, on the tip of my tongue. I would love to kiss you to summarize all my thoughts and ideas on your lips.

I will take you tighter,

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Regards; Team

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